Ace Apex


Full Member
Jan 13, 2017
northeast Ohio
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac-Notka Legend
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
For the last year and a half I have gone crazy trying different detectors. While it was a lot of fun, it was very costly. Some of these detectors were high priced and in my mineralized ground, very ineffective. They were deep, but not accurate at all. You get wore out digging deep folded pull tabs that read as a coin from every direction.

Last year when I started this expensive experiment, I had the Apex for a couple of months. It worked well, but winter shut me down with the Apex. I traded it off before spring and tried five more detectors from March until now. I am now going to use just one detector at a time and since most of my spots are "drying up", I do not want to spend a 1000 bucks again. With that said, I remembered the Apex.

There have been a couple of videos bashing the Apex, but as I remembered, the Apex was a detector that handled my "bad" ground better than most of my previous detectors. I decided to try another Apex and have had it out a couple of times and I am more than satisfied. No more high tones on folded tabs, nickels reading as nickels and best of all, very respectable depth.

My very first coin with my second Apex was a green wheat penny from 7 inches deep. Perfect, proportional audio that while weak, it repeated and had accurate numbers. I also found a pendent and small silver earring from that depth. I am going to use the heck out of the Apex for the rest of this season. It is a near perfect coin detector.

Hello Rayoh, just curious, the Apex outperformed your Nox800? What other machines were you also trying out until you decided the Apex was your jam?

I've never used an Apex so I'm interested in your opinion after putting it up against the others. Like many others I started out on the Garrett line and moved towards the Minelab machines, so it's been a while since my Garretts saw action. Namely my AT-Pro.

Top end machines take much more time and practice to master them.

The vanquish line up apex etc are much easier to learn and master.

Less settings to get bumped etc. My two boys have been going head to head hunting each day.

One with the Nox 800 the other a vanquish 440.

Both are pulling up silvers daily. However the nox is recovering more coins.

But the vanquish is finding the silver.

You don't need an expensive detector to find stuff.

I've been hunting 27 years now and have just about every good machine out currently.

I am good with them all. They all find me treasure. I've spent time using each machine hundreds of hrs though.

I spend a good bit of time hunting in Ohio. The nox handles the soil well in my opinion.

Good luck with the apex. Sounds like you found something you can understand well.

Hope to see some finds in the near future.


No, it did not out perform the Nox. It is just as accurate, but lacks the depth. I do not like mentioning some of the detectors I have been using recently, but while several were extremely deep detectors, they just did not perform up to my expectations. Most of my detecting spots have four bar soil(T2-F75), full of modern trash and while these other detectors were deeper than the Apex, you would wear yourself out digging junk that sounds good. The Nox is the "Gold Standard" for coin hunting. Since you asked, four of the detectors that I tried but were not up to my expectations in my trashy parks were the Anfibio Multi, T2 Lmt, Xp Orx, and Omega 8500. For my style of detecting, I would take the Apex over those four. Again, I am not trying to bash any detector, but I am touting what works for me. I do agree with Jeremy about the Vanquish models. Great detectors for the price.

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