Ace 250 users------headphones or no?


Bronze Member
Apr 19, 2006
Middletown, NY
Detector(s) used
AT Pro & Ace 250
Hey all. I would like to know if other users of the 250 use headphones and if they do why? Is it just to make sure you don't miss hearing a target in noisy conditions, or so you don;t get all attention from a bunch of people hearing that "bing bing" when in a public area, or for the main reason that I am asking, would you really, possibly miss a good deep signal if you did not have the headphones attached? I have had much success with the 250 as some of you fellow posters have noticed and replied (thanks) and I have not used headphones. I am going to hook-up with another member of the forum next week and he said he uses headphones so he does not miss a deep target. I don;t think the 250 would 'whisper' at me if there was something deep as some other detectors will. Can anyone tell me that they heard a whisper or some indication through the the headphones on an Ace 250 that they would not have heard if they did not have the headphones attached?



You're right funkman, I do not believe the 250 is going to whisper at me either..........but only with one mode :) There you might get a little whisper in between a couple of trash items. I use them mostly to conserve the batteries, keep nosy people away, and because with my setup, I can control the volume. As an added bonus, people are less likely to approach you if they think you're not going to hear them with the headphones on.

As an added bonus, people are less likely to approach you if they think you're not going to hear them with the headphones on.

Not wearing headphones, how can you tell if you missed a deep whisper? There is more to it than just being able to hear better. The sounds are different in small ways like the way the sound ramps up on approaching a target and then ramps down. This helps id targets too. Some discribe rings as giving a "round sound."

I don't wear headphones with my Ace250. I don't see a point. You can't adjust the volume and it's the same unless in pinpoint mode. Maybe if a I had a different unit, but not with the Ace250. Besides I hate the wire.

3 reasons I wear cut down on attention from possible onlookers and as sandman hear the difference in the tone it makes during pinpointing.....And you have to have a volume control on your headphones or you will bust your eardrums for The last reason is that it actually helps conserver your batteries or at least I get more hours of use with headphones than without. HH all.

I too use the headphones as it keeps away the ever-present onlookers and it helps (particularly on windy days) hear the tones that might otherwise be missed.

I've tried using the 250 without headphones but it's not the same. :D

Use headphones. Itll save your batteries and the ACE blasts out the sound without them. Wanna attract unwanted attention from every kid and nosy grownup within earshot? Wanna feel like the town idiot, once you realise how loud the thing is?

Then use it around the local park without heaphones for a few minutes.

If your around a lot of people and hit a shallow half dollar and your detector will sound like a phone going off. You will have everyone answering their cell phones and none of them will be happy. Headphones save money too.

Other detectors yes, the 250 is not a threshold sound unit, so for me no...

I use my Radio Shack headphones with my Ace 250 as well and hubby uses headphones with his Minelab Exp II.

They keep my ears warm in the winter and the wind from blowing in my ears on the beach. I love to wear them also, as teens will walk by and make comments and they think you can't hear them and then you respond and they are like "WTF????"...hehehe (happened today at the beach when one of the boys said "Someones gonna get rich today" and I responded, "Not until you drop that gold around your neck I won't!") and sometimes people will just smile at you thinking you can't hear them and then they won't ask so many questions!

Also, I hear the sounds better!

Happy Hunting!

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