ace 250 are some coins hiding


Jr. Member
Jan 14, 2010
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Golden Thread
North Carolina , Bertie
Detector(s) used
BH-Quick Silver,Ace 250,BH pinpointer and the DetectorPRO Pistol PROBE
on the ace 250 All metal mode is the same as the other modes. You just do not hear the sounds it still picks the item up. Therefore, can it pick up a coin near a piece of iron? I had a dime beside a piece of iron the size of 50-cent piece in my hand and swing under the coil. Only got a coin ding about 2 in 10 times in every mode. Makes me think how many coins I miss because they and near iron or something else.

This is called target masking. When you disc out iron you lose depth, and the detectors ability to sound off on some coins. This is why the Sovereign GT and Excal do so good because they don't disc out iron, they ignore it so they can sound off on a coin laying under a nail.

Sometimes the only way to get a good item next to a bad item, is to dig everything, or go to a coil or detector that can separate better. There is the 4.5" Garrett coil for the Ace 250. And a larger double D than scans a larger area from front to back of coil, but the pickup area is not as wide as the stock coil so it sometimes separates better even though larger. Best wishes, George (MN)

Sniper works very well in tight spots like that where two items are close together...

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