Silver Member
Back to summer today.. himself is in right pickle chosing a suitable outfit with this crazy weather 😆 xx
Well we are coming to the end of these village fields.. till after the harvest… on the look out for our next location!!
I found this butterfly brooch… not sure its very old.. but… better than the dismembered legs himself found 😂😂 xx i found another bit of the crotal bell from yesterday! Buckle, thimble and corset thingy, lead nobby bit, tiny ring nd tack pin, a spoon handle and a little concave lead thing, 2 tags, buttons, 2 crusty pre dec and a lead token.
Out of interest i looked up the village in the Doomsday Book.. have included that just FYI .. oh and some garden flowers.. 😆.. xx
Well we are coming to the end of these village fields.. till after the harvest… on the look out for our next location!!
I found this butterfly brooch… not sure its very old.. but… better than the dismembered legs himself found 😂😂 xx i found another bit of the crotal bell from yesterday! Buckle, thimble and corset thingy, lead nobby bit, tiny ring nd tack pin, a spoon handle and a little concave lead thing, 2 tags, buttons, 2 crusty pre dec and a lead token.
Out of interest i looked up the village in the Doomsday Book.. have included that just FYI .. oh and some garden flowers.. 😆.. xx