Seeing as how this thread dates back to April 2011, looks like the coaster ride has been all down hill. 11-03-14 gold $1164.00, silver $15.82. Radio ads keep saying gold is going north of $2000 and silver supposed to double. hmmmmmm A crystal ball would be nice, but I'm not buying gold at these prices. Silver has me interested, and if it goes under $10 I might buy a little. Silver was almost $42 in August 2011, and in 1994 it was around $5.50, so 17 years to it's high of $42, which was caused by fear when Obama was elected, so contrary to the radio ads, unless something crazy happens, IMHO it's not going up again for awhile.
As soon as the stock market has a "correction", speculators will toss all their cash back into gold and silver. Watch for the upcoming 10% (or more) correction and then buy gold and silver ASAP. Just my opinion on the current precious metals market....