Hello everyone, I did a quick follow up with my crystal I posted not to long ago. I was able ask a round about the host stone that is with the crystal, and one rockhound said to hit it with a hammer if it breaks its hard grante if not it's kimberlite, and another said that it looks to be opalized and that granite would not be, he told me to look in to the types of kimberlite, there colors and hardness, and with the crystals octagonal shape that it could be a harder type of crystal or diamond of some sort. ANYWAY I HIT IT WITH A HAMMER and nothing broke or cracked. We even took a chisal to an edge and it broke tip of chisel. What ever it is it's hard. Has anyone heard of kimberlite? Or know of any.? What might reside in it? I am out of cell range most of day in the woods can't seem to find time to investigate at moment. T