A Question For Larson

yes i have found trade items
i think this spot had diff occupations for thousands of years
do you want me to post some of that kind of stuff?
if you do i would be glad to post a few images for your perusal and would be interested in any comments/questions, just let me know
i appreciate your interest and curiosity
thanks my friend

I figured that site had several occupation period's. Yes it would be very interesting to see some of the thing's you have found from the different occupation periods.

OK, I will do it
I can make the statement that in the same 35 acres i have found points like :
pelican lake, duncan-hanna, besant etc, qll the way up to and including: triangle, huffaker, plains side notch
and also the beautiful jaw notch version, some obsidian shows but rarely
most material is: 1. TRSS-40%
2. Agate-30%
3.KRF Knife river flint-30%
the above items are laying in the same area where i can find a trade bead or copper point/knife blade
i am not familiar with dating and time periods, did you want to see the trade items?

Steve, I would love to see any trade type items that you have found.

Larson1951!! i join Flintdigger!! in requesting you to post along with your bone,shell,flint,cheat and hardstone artifacts any and all artifacts found with them in same site!!!!!! ow yes that means the other types of points you have not been posting we need to see it all so we can learn about the interaction between american indians and early settlers!!!!!! Terry

ok flintdigger and tmodel
i'll start w some trade beads tonite and see if i can find other stuff as time goes by

sounds very good to me to. you have to have some time to hunt so you can show us every thing you found that day at the same time.. Terry

ok here are some trade beads
the points are copper
the spear point is sheet iron
the pink bead is bone, i don't know why that darn russy put it in there, but i will overlook it


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Steve those beads are great :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:, and the copper and iron points are really killer items. Those are some really great artifact' :hello2: :headbang: :notworthy: :wink: :icon_thumright:s.

Steve, do youu think the native people got the copper raw in trade and made the points or were the points ready made for the trade ? Those are interesting.

thanks flintdigger
according to the north dakota state historical dept. they were cut from worn out copper kettles and then traded to the indian tribes for furs etc.
what is interesting is that these were found in the same field or site where old culture items like pelican lake era points are found which is why i think it is a very old site and which spanned thousands of years

Steve, I would have to agree with all the different types of artifacts from different time periods found at the same site it has to be a occupation site that did span thousand's of years. Again very interesting .

I am always looking at your artifacts, and am just amazed. The site you speak of is so littered with debris, its just amazing. Is this site on a hill overlooking a river or what type of terrain are we talking about. I have never seen dirt like the pictures you show. In illinois the best sites are around a major or ancient river, but I think your site has even more stuff on it than Cahokia sites and they say there were over a million people there at one time.

yes thanks
these sites are spread from central north dakota to central south dakota along both sides of the missouri river, look at a map
if you could see what the earth lodges that they lived in looked like you could see how they were able to survive in the climate that ranges from 90 degrees plus in the summer to less than 20 degrees below zero in the winter, these big lodges could hold from 20-30 people to over a hundred people depending on their size
once again thanks for your questions, if you have more just ask

larson1951 said:
thanks flintdigger
according to the north dakota state historical dept. they were cut from worn out copper kettles and then traded to the indian tribes for furs etc.

Nice copper/brass points Steve.

I would agree that these points were made from worn out copper/brass trade items.

Does the North Dakota State Historical dept. infer that these points were made by non-Indian traders?


yes they do
i think i read it in one of their publications
on the subject of points, i found a bone point two days ago

Re: A Question For Larson/looky here flintdigger

just to show a little more about how long this site could've been occupied just check this knife i found 10-12 yrs ago
it is made from a piece of glass
what do ya think??


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