A little of everything


Full Member
Jun 20, 2006
3 in Central PA
Detector(s) used
Whites XLT, Whites V3i, Whites TDI beachhunter
This weekend was filled with interesting finds. First we spent most of Saturday at soccer games. After sitting on my butt watching the kiddies play soccer from 8:30am until about 2:00pm (yes it was exhausting watching and cheering) and then not wanting to waste the rest of the day doing yard work we decided to do some tecting. we went back to the place we found our box plate and managed to gain 7 new hunting spots. we didn't get a lot more than talking done and about 12 cents, but we do have some new places to search. Calling it a day because all were tired. we planned for the next day.
Early sunday morning the air is cooler rain is coming sometime. I asked the rugrats where they wanted to hit today before it rains. their response was lets go to the place you've been finding all the buttons. So we packed up an headed to the field only to realize that it was planted and now the crop is starting to show. So I told them lets stay out of the field and hit some the old paths around the foundation. they agreed. So they headed up one path an I searched another. I get a signal and start digging. then I heard the other detector go off and then it goes quiet. So I figure they're digging (they are on the other side of some very thick green briers only 30ft away but I can't see them). About ten minutes later my oldest (13) comes running down the path Full tilt, no detector, no shovel or tools, and no brother, with a look on his face I couldn't figure out. The first thing I said was "what happened and where's your brother ???" His reply was I left him on the path......But look what I found....Look what I found .... look what I found. a couple seconds later here comes the younger one (9) trying to figure out what was going on. Apparently they were digging the hole and my oldest saw the item scooped it up and ran before my youngest ever saw anything. So confused, he comes walking down too.
After all the excitement he hands me a coin (out of breathe) and he whimpers I think its a 2 cent piece. He saw the green, grabbed it and ran with out looking at it. So I looked and told him it was an Indian head and it's a 1864. Excited he gave it to me and ran back up the path for more..........The youngest still confused as to what happened, I then showed him what the excitement was about and all was well. We stayed a little while longer we found a marble and some fossils. Then called it a day.
After getting home and very lightly washing the crud off the coin we realized that it WAS an Indian head with a date of 1864. I told the eldest to look it up in the book and see what we have. He did and then I heard from the living room......$60 in good....$60 in good.....I replied "what are you talking about?" He replied it's worth $60 dollars in good condition because it has a "L". I replied they all have L's or you couldn't spell liberty. He replies " no an L on the ribbon". So I was confused and he showed the book to me and handed me the coin and the loop. It does in fact have the L on the ribbin and the detail in the coin is amazing. I hoped to capture it in pictures but you be the judge. There's a little corrosion but very little. all the diamonds are visible on the ribbon and the veins on the feathers are about perfect. So after he was done bragging about the coin and whipping my butt I told him it was also our oldest find yet.........Well there went the 13 year old ego again LOL....It was a great day the kiddies had a blast.

I know its long but I had to share.
thanks for looking


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Upvote 0
sweet 1864L great condition too!

really neat stuff

Sweet coin! great shape :thumbsup: :thumbsup: best of luck and HH

I think the true treasure is sharing that moment with the littleones...Sure the fossils and the Coin has worth but the memory is priceless. Congrats and HH

Yep that's a nice one. Worth every penny :tongue3: The kids enjoyment is even better though! Congrats....jgas

The kids would like me to thank everyone for the posts and comments.

Also I think I embarrassed my oldest by telling the story. I apologise for that. What I meant to say is he calmly walked down the path and said " ahem....Father I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with what I discovered"................NOT !

Enjoy everyone

a civil war era 1864 "L" cent -- he has a right to be excited -- i would be -- lol

:icon_thumright: wtg on the ih L. can't believe how fine the detail is. Congrats

Great story....we all enjoyed the excitement you conveyed with your story. Your son has all the earmarks of a super treasure "finder" when he gets older. I admire the fact they you are getting them involved at an early age.


great great find! congrats!

Wow how did this get bumped up ? this is from like a year ago???

Thanks everyone. It is still our oldest find and my oldest is still bragging about it being the oldest find yet........Kids !

Thanks for looking

it was me---- guilty --- I was looking at some of yer old finds saw the kids civil war cent a find and could not help but to say something about it, -- :hello2:

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