✅ SOLVED A few whatsits from an old park


Hero Member
Jun 18, 2013
Baltimore/DC area
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, Tesoro Cibola, Garrett Pro-pointer, Sampson T-handle Shovel, Lesche hand digger, Garrett and Gray Ghost Ultimate headphones
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Found these at an old, urban park in an open grassy area.

Item #1: Plastic on top, with some sort of adjustment screw that I can turn. Thin metal on back, and you can see where the screw threads are in the second picture. No idea at all on this one.


Item #2: Pretty sure I've seen these posted on Tnet before, but can't remember what they are called. Think it's some kind of lapel pin or similar. In the second picture, you can see 4 prongs, so perhaps some picture/button used to be in there.


Item #3: Some kind of machine part perhaps. Maybe it came off a piece of landscaping equipment?


The middle item is a book mark similar to these:
The first item looks like a battery cover to an older device like a movie camera

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Thanks for the replies so far. vhs07: interesting thought about item 1. mick56: you might be right about the cap gun roll. Found it in the same area, if not same hole, as a tiny diecast truck that looks to be from the 1950s or so.

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I believe the last piece is from an old cap gun, it would advance the roll of caps.

I doubt it is from a cap gun, most or all parts of those are made of cheap pot metal and the shown piece looks like steel. I think more likely from a machine of some sort.

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First item is likely the battery cover from a camera - similar to the one below.


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I think we can say #1 is from a camera, and #2 sure looks like a bookmark. I'm going with #3 being from some machinery. It's pretty heavy for its size, probably made of steel.

Thanks to all for your help.

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