a few nuggets


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Jun 11, 2007
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a few nuggets

One of the few bright spots in the crappy economy is that your laid-off family and friends have more time to go play. My son, Matt, WAS in the construction industry so now he had time to go on his first nugget hunting trip with Dad. I picked him up in rainy Oregon and we made the trip to sunny N. California. Since I recently had purchased a GPX 4500 I was able to provide my GP 3500 for him to use. We spent the first day at a location I had researched. I taught him how to run the machine and helped him while he dug a couple targets, then left him to figure it out on his own. We only dug trash at that locale but he seemed like he had a handle on it by the end of the day. I knew I had to get him on gold to keep him interested because we all know there is only one thing 20 year old boys think about. So the second day I took him to a pounded patch that still has a few left. He was able to dig a half-grammer with the 3500 and 8” mono. I think he’s called everybody on his cell’s contact list to tell them about it. While Matt was searching for his first nugget I went down the hill to a spot everyone had avoided due to the large volume of trash there. A friend had loaned me a 17” E DD to try, it worked out well, I used discrimination but still had to dig a lot of bullets for the three nuggets I got. I find the diverse character of the nuggets interesting (pictured on the left side of the dime). All came from a 20’ square area. The dink on the right I got today at a different spot.


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Re: a few nuggets

Hi Merton,

Thanks for a real good post. We've got similar situations, as I've asked my youngest son (22 yrs) if he would come join Dad for some prospecting too. I figure the great outdoors, some campfires, and maybe a few finds would give him a different perspective. I expect you understand.

Merton how deep are those size of targets being picked-up by your 4500?


Re: a few nuggets

Those are SWEET!!! My kid is finally old enough to go with me this year...Should be fun. He gets to learn how to move rocks for me! ;D

Re: a few nuggets

Jim, Those nuggets were found at less than 6" so they all had a loud signal. I have found large iron trash at 2'+, but the deepest nugget I have dug was a 1.9 gram chevron nugget from Rye Patch NV At 16". The signal on it was only a whisper, barely broke the threshold. Just for reference the largest nugget in the pic was 2.4 grams.

Re: a few nuggets

Jim as I said there is nothing better than a minelab at depth. I will put up a couple nuggets if someone could prove to me that there is something better than the SD, GP, or GPX. If there are any
takers then we could meet for the day in southwestern Arizona. Jim here are some pics of how I set my minelab up. I think the reason most people use other detectors is the cost. It's hard to let go of the cash (1800 to 5600) for the minelab.


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Re: a few nuggets

Thanks Yellow Hammer for a fine post and photos. :thumbsup: I only wish I knew what those additions do.

Would it be safe to say that part is extra power? Other than that, I just don't know what I'm looking at.

May I ask if the extras are attached to the 2200V2 and not your 4500? Another question would be why?

Hate to sound like "20 Questions" but thats what happens when I see those photos...I want to know about it. Later,


Re: a few nuggets

Yes Jim it's all about more power.

Coiltek switchable Li-Ion 7.3/6.7 volt regulated system this unit can be toggled between two voltages to accommodate Minelab SD/GP or GPX series users. The 6.7v setting is recommended for the GP series detectors (Extreme, 3000 & 3500). The 7.3v setting is recommended for Minelab SD series detectors (2000, 2100, 2100e, 2100v2, 2200d & 2200v2). With a constant voltage of 6.7 or 7.3 volts you should notice an improvement in target response and overall detector stability throughout the day.

The next thing is the Coiltek External Amplified Speaker.

The last thing is the amp. It is a beefy, reliable signal amplifier that will bring those faint signals up so loud that they will make you sit up and take notice. Made specifically for the Minelab SD and GP series of detectors and also for the 4000 & 4500 in 5 pin. Plugs into the control box, and then your power cord plugs into the amplifier. Runs off of the Minelab battery and consumes about 10 minutes of battery time in a days worth of use. Amplifies signals approximately 6 times. Exclusive filtering system gives clean amplified sound without annoying "hum" found in some other amplifiers. Attaches to side of detector with supplied Hook and Loop fabric. Has a volume control only for dependable no gadgets reliability.

And yes this is my SD2200V2 with a straight upper fiberglass shaft. If you every get a SD2200V2 change the upper shaft first thing. The "S" shaft sucks if you are detecting for 9 hours.

Re: a few nuggets

Well Yellow Hammer, I want to thank you sincerely for going to the trouble of providing this instructive, technical information. Darn good of you to do it. :thumbsup: Between the photos and explanations, there's no doubt about your set-up/what's needed. Are you up to a couple more questions? :)

I see Docs Detecting etc... on the amp, so I take it that's the supplier, but do you know who manufactures it? ie....is it a Coiltek product?

Why are these additions added on to the 2200V2 and not the 4500? Is it because the 2200V2 benefits most?

I've noticed from a few of your photos here on the Nugget sub-forum, that you use both the Joey 5"X 10" mono, and the (stock??) 11" DD coils. What's your preference and why? For example, does the Joey handle most mineralizations well enough, that you prefer it for it's maneuverability in the brush/rocks? Or is there another reason?

Hope you don't mind these added questions. That should do it for me. Later,


Re: a few nuggets

1: The amp was made to DOC's precise specifications. Don't Know who makes it.

2: The mods will benefit all SD/GP/GPX detectors Everyone I hunt with run these mods. And yes the mods are on my 4500 also.

3: 14x9 mono Elliptical for bigger nuggets deep about 2' plus. The 10x5 joey mono Elliptical is supper sensitive on small grain pieces of gold and gets good depth about 1 1/2'. The Joey coil on a SD/GP/GPX series detector is like the sensitivity of a good VLF. I don't use the 11" DD coil that much it's not as stable as the mono. I hunt the desert lots of rocks and brush and mineralization so I love Elliptical. Not only that but the mono projects as a cone and the DD projects straight like a can. So the DD coil won't pin point as will.
All mono's handle mineralization better then the DD do to the cone projection it acts like a wedge.

I don't mind questions just glad to help.

Re: a few nuggets

Yellow Hammer said:
1: The amp was made to DOC's precise specifications. Don't Know who makes it.

2: The mods will benefit all SD/GP/GPX detectors Everyone I hunt with run these mods. And yes the mods are on my 4500 also.

3: 14x9 mono Elliptical for bigger nuggets deep about 2' plus. The 10x5 joey mono Elliptical is supper sensitive on small grain pieces of gold and gets good depth about 1 1/2'. The Joey coil on a SD/GP/GPX series detector is like the sensitivity of a good VLF. I don't use the 11" DD coil that much it's not as stable as the mono. I hunt the desert lots of rocks and brush and mineralization so I love Elliptical. Not only that but the mono projects as a cone and the DD projects straight like a can. So the DD coil won't pin point as will.
All mono's handle mineralization better then the DD do to the cone projection it acts like a wedge.

I don't mind questions just glad to help.

Yo Yellow Hammer,
I have the same mods on my 3500 although I don't use the external speaker much as I prefer a set of quality phones. I think the company that makes the amp may be Detacc, that's the name on mine which is the model prior to yours I believe.
I have not purchased a Pocket Rocket or amp for my 4500 as I was unsure if the gains were worth the $450+/- as the stock lithium-ion battery is light weight and has a built in amp. After reading your report I may reconsider.
Your comment on mono's handling mineralization better must be referring to their ability to punch deeper and not the actual stability of the audio in highly mineralized ground?

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