a cross and a line near it with another line


Jr. Member
Aug 18, 2010

View image: 20130603 194009 ( Copy)

a Great sign

This sign means :

a priest grave in a cave or in a well and you will enter it by a tunnel or a crypt . Then , you will get the prize - a lot of gold ofcourse - 8-)

I tried very hard to find that entrance but till now i couldn't because i didn't find a really good and effective (void,cave,tunnel) detector :icon_scratch:

Zoro, great rock! Noticed the V below your X, I, which gives you 3 numbers to work with. 10, 5, 1. Could be a compass heading or distance. Also there are multiple drill holes that will help you if you clean and measure them. Great find!

That big drill hole seems to be pulling to the right and slightly up a few degrees less than 90 degrees.

View image: 20130603 194009 ( Copy)

a Great sign

This sign means :

a priest grave in a cave or in a well and you will enter it by a tunnel or a crypt . Then , you will get the prize - a lot of gold ofcourse - 8-)

I tried very hard to find that entrance but till now i couldn't because i didn't find a really good and effective (void,cave,tunnel) detector:icon_scratch:

If you don't already have one, pick up a cheap older (pre-ground balance) White's Metal Detector off of Craigslist as they work best for detecting voids in the ground! I once had a White's 2000 D Metal Detector and found a void under the walkway of the arched entrance to an old Civil War Era Fort. The void was an underground dug out storage area and contained 3 cases of brand new (brand new as of the 1860's) Civil War Brown Bess Rifles, Black Powder and Bullets. Since the Fort was a State Park in Florida, they never told me when the excavated the entrance to the Fort and what they found but the Security guard there, who I knew, told me about what they found. The Brown Bess Rrifles quickly disappeared and everything was hush, hush with never a mention of them or who led them to them. When attempting to find the void, just turn on the Metal Detector and adjust the signal so you can hear an audible signal. When you pass the coil over a void the signal will make a blip almost "voop" sound then there will be no audible signal at all. Once you pass the coil back over solid ground, you will hear the "voop" again and the audible signal will return. You can map the void by just passing the coil from solid ground to over the void as you walk along, marking the spots where you hear the "voop" and have signal loss.


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Zoro could it be that the cross is giving you information that its a monument and telling you 4 directions, the drill hole is possibly telling you the distance, I would look at distances and use a compass to verify, N S E W. see whats there at least 1/4 mile, there may be a yard in the area of the monument. Good post

That is a good suggestion for a "void" finder. LOL ANOTHER, good machine for that would be an old BFO. They were used by pros years ago for that very thing. Adjust the detector to the "Mineral" side and allow some "motorboating" and when it goes over a void, the sound will drop out all together. This works reliably with a large coil..........at least a 24 inch diameter. A 36 inch diameter one would be great for more depth and looking for mines, vaults, etc.

I found a great buy on eBay about a year ago. I got a Garrett Hunter for around $65 and it came with a double coil (6" in an 18 inch. When I got it, the thing looked like it had never been used. I missed out on a separate seller's pair of large coils.......one 24 inch and one 36 inch.

Those old BFO's are still the best for some projects...including the voids as well as old outhouse spots and home junk / garbage spots. Charles Garrett would use one to check for over looked veins in "played out" mines.

all good or potentially good ideas however once you prove them to be incomplete or as you did by susposing that an opening in the rock was there...and then you didnt find one...well no indication on the rock says anything like this...so the case of incomplete diagnosis leading to an erronous conclusion, which is the usual condition when you guess..
here this sign is not telling you of an opening it is telling you of a way to find the next visible above ground sign..
since I dont like educating the bad guys as welll as the good guys, you will have to pm me for the usage of the symbols
that where chiseled on to this rock for a very specific reason...none of which involves a guess.
oro for the informed

No comment as I dont wish to educate rangler

Looks like a surveyor's move-up point to me. Is it on a relatively high point?
I just dont have enough info to make a comment on this Springfield. One tiny patch of signs better be written in Mayan if Im to follow it anywhere. The cross I have seen before, but it is either very old, or very new. Thats about all I got. He does have a mine sign on the rock also. SS also pointed out some possible sign too. Its a nice post, to get the conversation started.

true trackers..and others
Dstys advice was the best of the guesses..as usual he has an understanding of the code...
and it is not a surveyors mark...a guess meant to deceive.trying to make people think these are modern surveyors marks..they are NOT but are TRUE treasure signs made by the Jesuit/codemakers. period.
and nothing that cloud readers say has an value except to confuse the issue..
the cross can . -be researched to find out what it is called. but there is not a single correct usage for this sign anywhere..online or in publications unless you turn up with a copy of the 'mythical' Jesuit code book..
but I have proved it out in South American Jesuit Signs and more than once here in the good ole US of A...
to pm for answers..true trackers are those in good standing, peace out
oro for only the correctly informed

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I was once in Ranglers Golden circle. He has his own site. It promotes his business of trips in the supers. He found sign in the supers, imagine that. But I was removed from the golden circle when I presented something he couldn't explain, that didn't fit his code he made up. I have been out of good standing with you for a very long time. I lost respect for you and others I have caught putting out bad info. As long as you post this tripe, I will respond with exactly who and what you are. You have no business helping anyone. Not only do you have bad manners, you are delusional.

This rock is not a sign. But may have been used for grinding the gold ore to be processed. This is a major find as the OP has found a area they took the ore to be processed. There is also the mark of a hole. There will be a map stone if one exist, find it. Forget the X, just tells you who was there. For the lurkers, the true trackers who know, there is not enough info here to make any directional or distance without the map stone.

We all track with our hearts. The 30 years of experience Rangler talks about does make a difference. But at the end of the day, the Spanish was smart, and if you dont have a map, you will most likely never find anything. Thats the truth, but oh what a hunt we have. Too bad the maps are gone, been gone for years. Every now and then one pops up. But the truth and the story of a find is never the same.

Any fool can pick up a Kenworthy book and make it his own Rangler, dont be the fool. You have not posted anything in the form of proof, a picture, or anything as I can see that shows what divine knowledge you are talking about. All you can do is dis folks and build yourself up. Im here for the conversation. Say something that makes sense, and quit talking in riddles. To deceive is to lie Ranger, prove me wrong.

Sorry OP, you need to be looking for other things. The cross is a old one if not a new sign left by a land owner. You should have no problem with the old signs in the area. Good luck.

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View image: 20130603 194009 ( Copy)

a Great sign

This sign means :

a priest grave in a cave or in a well and you will enter it by a tunnel or a crypt . Then , you will get the prize - a lot of gold ofcourse - 8-)

I tried very hard to find that entrance but till now i couldn't because i didn't find a really good and effective (void,cave,tunnel) detector :icon_scratch:

Zoro, from the X look south, identify any shadow areas on the east side of a cliff or rock face. You may be in a work area and not where you need to be standing to see what they want you to see. So find that east face, start your search there. Post more pics as you feel comfortable. You either have a site or not. A simple check with binos can save you time and troubles. Oh, scan the rock with what ever you got to see if there is any burnt marks under neath. As for voids, a simple probe can id dug earth fairly easy. Hope this helps.

casca, yo I was once in ranglers Golden circle. He has his own site. It promotes his business of trips in the supers.

that sir is only ONE thread..should have looked around when you were there..a lot to learn..

He found sign in the supers, imagine that.

now you are talking like a cloud reader-because I also found some answers to the code as well...you missed that~!
it took my code reading to a 10 year jump in understanding which was the point of presenting the data. which you failed to understand....

But I was removed from the golden circle when I presented something he couldn't explain, that didn't fit his code he made up.

what was made up was some pareidolia that the prince of cloud reading helped you with,.repeat there are no
'witches on brooms in the code..no men on horseback for the most part..cloud reading wouldnt help you

have been out of good standing with you for a very long time. I lost respect for you and others I have caught putting

out bad info.

that sir is a detestable lie out right bald faced lie..just because your incorrect assumptions were exposed by me,.I am not responsible for incorrect info that you get from uneducated people on this site...

As long as you post this tripe, I will respond with exactly who and what you are. You have no business helping anyone. Not only do you have bad manners,

you are delusional. problem--the cloud reader is your enemy, as I have told you and others on this site...you cant dream up solutions to cloud readings and think you are going somewhere...

This rock is not a sign.

if your talking about this cross - it is most defiantly is a true confirmed sign, in the sense that I have seen AND DECODED this sign FEW TIMES ALL READY

But may have been used for grinding the gold ore to be processed. This is a major find as the
OP has found a area they took the ore to be processed. There is also the mark of a hole. There will be a map stone if one exist, find it. Forget the X, just tells you who was there. For the lurkers, the true trackers who know, there is not enough info here to make any directional or distance without the map stone.

totally wrong wrong wrong...simply the result of not knowing what to do with this sign,,the sign is showing you where to go to collect the quint..as this was a Spanish operation and the law must be fulfilled [the mark sir is a confirmtion of that very thing..that is why the mark is there,,the mark was not meant for trespassers or lurkers or cloud readers or deniers
it was meant for the kings recovery crew..and those who spent the time and energy to break the code ONLY.period.

We all track with our hearts. The 30 years of experience Rangler talks about does make a difference. But at the end of the day, the Spanish was smart, and if you dont have a map, you will most likely never find anything

not true sir not true at all, the maps are in the field - do you honesty think that the king of the most powerful country in the world at the time, would trust his fortune and treasure to some paper map sent over the stormy seas? not a chance in hell sir..the maps are coded in the correctly identified signs, marks and monuments..it is so way over your understanding, I cant even tell you...but I will try,,with the proper marks, signs.,the spanish were smart as you say..but they had one weakness...it was the confirmation the the king demanded was on every repeat every true sign or mark...once yo u realize this..you have a wayto break the code..but it takes an enormous amount of time not to move forward until you have the confirmation mark identified..an enormous amount of patience not to run to the next sign or perceived sign thinking the next sign will tell me where to dig, or the next, or the next, ad infum item oon to infinity...to put it quite franky - the maps are written in the air over the site..not a smart ass answer but the real answer but only if you know what to so with the data..

Thats the truth, but oh what a hunt we have. Too bad the maps are gone, been gone for years. Every now and then one pops up. But the truth and the story of a find is never the same

again for the hard of learning the maps are in the field right where they should be..written in stone, that so far are lasting well over the 3 centuries that they were meant to last~! use your head man..think out side the cloud reader box....understand these tax payments totaled billions

and Spain held almost 90% of the gold and silver in the world~! nHe knew what to do and did it..I have the same advice for you, know what to do and do it..
1.best thing you can do is put the cloud readers on ignore, all of them..then you might have an even chance of learning something important..otherwise from cloud readers you will only find clouds..or a really nice yard sale an armchair you can pontificate from...

Any fool can pick up a Kenworthy book and make it his own Rangler, dont be the fool. You have not posted anything in the form of proof, a picture, or anything as I can see that shows what divine knowledge you are talking about. All you can do is dis folks and build yourself up. Im here for the conversation. Say something that makes sense, and quit talking in riddles. To deceive is to lie Ranger, prove me wrong.u said..

look at the pic that dog the treasure hunter just posted recently of the hummingbird omega monument...everything is there
1,the omega ground hoyo...(c) copyright because I coined this term..
2.the confirmation of the monument is the mans angry face that is carved in stone 300 years ago..
3. the hummingbirds beak is the map or at least the compass bearing to the dig spot
4.did you even look at this marked pic with all the elements clearly identified? or too busy with your pareidolia consultant
5.look up the meae ning of the hummingbird in Spanish code book-sorry I am still busy still writing it.
6.nothing is made up, the king had the power to kill all codemakers if they tried to make something up..it is the cloud readers on this forum that are making things up..and you fell for it and thought you were on your way to the goodies, then when I thew cold water on those made up signs you got mad at me...when your main problem has it source on the confusion that cloud readers continue to throw out to catch the unwary...I hope you have a different view of the forum, when you see that CR's not only confuse, they make you mad at one of the few people who can help you here. dig?
oro for clear thinking trackers who are not confused by the armchair cloud readers...now you see why I rail against them so hard and so long..they are a scourge of the earth. nothing good will come from them they cant help in anyway..form or shape..lost in the swamp of pareidolia for sure.

Rangler wrote:
5.look up the meae ning of the hummingbird in Spanish code book-sorry I am still busy still writing it.

Now, THAT says a lot. Will you include the sources of all your information in the book's bibliography.......you know, the names of all of the people whose knowledge you "collected" over the years. Especially, dsty. You didn't know BEANS about drill holes until dsty TAUGHT you and now you're giving advice about them without giving credit where credit is due. I notice how you went back and inserted some drill hole information in one of the "dign" post you were quoting. Strange how you posted that you'd never heard of the drill hole codes when dsty started posting about them. You, and the rest of us, urged him to post more info about them, which he's done many times. You claimed that dign taught you everything you knew before so did you just FORGET what he "taught" you about drill holes? Or did you go back after picking dsty's brain about them and insert some good stuff in one of dign's posts ??

You like to call me the "cloud reader". Well, that's just fine with me. I'll start calling you the "flim-flam man"......a side show barker who told a newbie a few months ago that his photo of an entrance monument was just a natural formation when I pointed out that it was damned near a duplicate of the one shown in Kenworthy's book on page 14. You never responded to that. So, what-up Mr. FFM ??

If I had the expert knowledge that golddiver/rangler had I would not waste my time arguing with people online, I would take what I could and be gone.....Oh as Dign would say...." finally let me say in closing that dsty Knows drill holes and you Should reread his posts and learn".............FFM funny stuff!!!

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