The Hunt for the Holy Grail


Bronze Member
Apr 7, 2007
Clearfield Pa. and Nova Scotia, Canada
Detector(s) used
Schonstedt sopt, GPL , 2 box, Dowsing Rods, Long Range Locators, Radar, Bounty Hunter & a lot more
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
If you want to know what happen to the Templars and their treasure, check out this TV show on H2, History Channel 2,

Check out this video on YouTube:

America Unearthed: Hunt for the Holy Grail The Holy Grail is one of the most sought after treasures of all time, and one treasure hunter thinks he knows exactly where it is. He invites Scott Wolter along on his quest to find it, and the result is a North American treasure hunt of epic proportions. Legends, a treasure map and the results of ground penetrating technology all point to the Grail being in a single location--a holy well on the property of a rumored Templar Prince. What Scott finds in and around the well will shock even the skeptics in this edge-of-your-seat season finale.
Ya, They shut this video down :icon_scratch:. You can go to this site to view some photos of the show.

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Oh that, I found that a couple years ago . . . :laughing7:

Sounds great! I will be watching!


I honestly think that oak island is the true location of the bruton vaults

Finders Keepers has opened a office in Nova Scotia and drilling will start in early spring. We plan to be in the area for a long time. Did we locate or find something of great value after the TV show was filmed :hello2::thumbsup::occasion14::headbang: can we talk about it 8-) Not Yet

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America Unearthed: Hunt for the Holy Grail The Holy Grail is one of the most sought after treasures of all time, and one treasure hunter thinks he knows exactly where it is... Legends, a treasure map and the results of ground penetrating technology all point to the Grail being in a single location--a holy well on the property of a rumored Templar Prince...
Not the first hunter to claim knowledge of the Grail's location.
As part of Henrich Himmler's interest in firmly establishing a foundation for Nazi mythology and securing "magical" religious relics for their power,he established the archaeological arm of the SS,the AHNENERBE.
Otto Rahn,who was obsessed with the GRAIL,wrote a book,"CRUSADE AGAINST THE GRAIL",1933,was convinced that he knew the location of the Grail.
Himmler was a big fan of the book,invited himto his Berlin office at Prinz Albrechtstrasse,made him an SS Sturmbannfuhrer,and sent him of on the quest.Rahn believed the Grail had been found by the Cathars,a religious sect that the Catholic Church deemed as heretics,and the Church's first Crusade was the massacre of the Cathars in 1244 at their mountaintop castle at Montsegur,France.
Rahn searched Montsegur ,and other mountains and caves in the Pyreness,but never found the Holy Grail.
Himmler was not pleased that Rahn came back "empty-handed",Himmler wanted tangible artifacts,and the fact that Rahn was openly gay did not help his cause.
In March,1939,Rahn went hiking in the Austrian Tyrol,but never returned.His frozen corspe was called a suicide,but it is claimed he met his end from a SS hit squad.

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If you saw our TV show I am sure you have many questions and I will try to answer some. Ya thats a big drill rig , way to big for what we planed to do but thats the only drill rig we could get for that day. Since we drilled in Oct we have been back to drilling the site with a much smaller drill rig, about the size of a SUV. Drilling is the only thing the Gov. will let us do. You can not dig under 2' of the land . The Gov. ownes every thing under 2' and its their call on what we can use. Our plan was to drill into a void then stop fast. Then drop a camera down and look inside. If we found any thing then the Gov. steps in and digs. We did not want the drill rig to cave in the void so we drilled as close to the void as we could but did not hit it then but in May 6th 2013. we did. Why didn't we use Ground Radar, well it does not work in Nova Scotia. (To much clay ). We have 125' of clay with a high amount of quartz at our site and our GPL can not pinpoint anything in that kind of clay. The GPL will give us a location of a cave or void but it will not read what kind of metal is there. There is no Ground Radar units it Nova Scotia. We had a GPL, Long Range Locator, Two Box and other metal detectors on site to locate gold and artifacts. The clay was dumped here from the ice age and we have many different stones and gems in the clay from volcanos in Nova Scotia. Mining in Nova Scotia is big, everything from Quartz, Diamonds, Gems, Gold, you name it , its there.The Void was located and it was a cave not a Treasure Room. We did not do a TV show on a hunt for the Holy Grail, it was the name the film crew gave us. Our TV show was to be called the Hunt for the Templars. We hope to show what we believe happen to them. No we did not think goast were at the site. Our equipment went crazzy and this never happens but after the TV show we dug and found gray stones (magnetite) that stick to earth magnets . The GPL went nuts because their was magnetite stones everywere in the ground . The GPL will locate a metal object of 2lb or more, and most of the magnetite stones did weigh more than 2 lb. The magnetite stones read gold and silver on our metal detectors and not iron :dontknow:. We did locate gold and have opened a company at New Ross, NS and we been core drilling for gold to get a better idea of how much this site is worth. On the TV show they showed a stone map on Hobson Island but when I found the stone map 4 years ago it was still in place but now the water is higher and the island spends most of its time under water at high tide and the ice is moving and pushing everything around and the stone map is not in place as it was years ago. Everything on Hobson Island is about gone and I tried to get this info out before its totaly gone. The V carving on Hobson Island is pointed towards Oak Island and I believe its a pointer to show where they went to and not part of anything with the Hook X . The arch in the well is a opening to the cave to let water in. I hope this answers some questions, . Thank You

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Dennis you turning prospector like me. A for effort in the video. Don't worry one day there will be something in one of those holes. You can see why I told you that equipment is flawed. Picks up ground mineralization. Get yourself a modded 12v Minelab and a 50" coil. Good luck and best wishes.

Hi there-

Thats interesting. Thanks

We just returned Aug 6th, from New Ross , NS and with each trip we get closed to the truth of what happen to the Templars. On this trip we did a dig 12' deep next to the Holy Well to locate some gold nuggets and to see why the arch's in the cave where made. The walls of the well are 4' thick. The well is 20' deep. The water is now 16' deep. The water comes in at 15' down from a smaller cave. No their is no hidden rooms around the well but it looks like once the castle was done they had planed to return to the well and dig rooms and thats why the arches where made. We have found artifacts that could prove a castle was at this site , like the hand carved HOPE STONE but no proof of who built it. We have found rare minerals at the site and we plan to return soon. We will be scanning land all around New Ross for the next few years. We are not just looking for Templar Treasure , we are also looking for Gold , Gems, Tantalite, Diamonds and anything of value. This area is rich with rare earth metals and gems.
So much has happen to us over the last year at this site that some day I hope to tell it all. Things happen that we can't talk about yet and my crew just waits to see whats next. We are on one of the best trips of a life time and its not over yet. This will make a great movie someday when its over.

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We just got a report from the goverment in Nova Scotia about the clay at our site. The plastic clay is high in quartz and is very water proof. The local land fill used this kind of clay to cover their land fill and this kind of clay is hard to find. Joan Hope found 4 holes 6' deep next to the Holy Well and she thought they could of been made to hold prisoners. I have attached her story from her web site. We now believe these are bath holes. After all they needed a place to take a bath during winter and this was next to the holy well and the Knights Templars were big on taking baths. I am sure they did not bring tubs to bath in so this method works. They would fill 1/2 of the hole with spring water from the Holy Well , then build a fire to heat up some stones. When the stones got hot they would drop them in the bath hole and the water turned hot. The quartz clay would hold the water and the hot water would stay hot longer. When the water was hot a Templar would get into the bath hole and the water would rise and fill up the bath hole. When he was done they would of droped more stones in the same bath water to heat it up again and the next person would get in. This is the only way they could of bathed 100 or more men back then. I know this sounds crazzy but is there any other way.
This kind of plastic clay was great for mortor and they needed large amounts of clay to build a castle . We have located a site behind the castle where it looks like they dug the clay they needed. The neighbors called this location The Gost Pond and had it filled in .

We have located 8 wells inside the castle. There is a well located inside of each tower . Water was needed to mix the clay and to carry water any distance would be a hard job. So we think they dug a well at each tower site before they started to build each tower so they had the water on location. Below is Joans story about the 4 holes she found.
Dungeons? Fort Point Connection? Castle Confirmed.
I was still puzzled by the foundations I'd found behind what we now called Lovers' Nook. Why were some of them so massive? Then, clearing a way through the bushes just within the ruins of the outer wall, I came upon what looked like a row of four disused wells, the first one almost adjacent to the ruins of Tom's Tower. After a while I thought of the classical castle garde-robes or latrines: four in a row all together seemed to make sense, the effluent running away into the moat below. But our student helpers were still keen on the use of the herm as an execution or punishment block: if all that was going on, there had to be somewhere for the prisoners. I suggested that the remains of small "rooms" that I'd seen on the other side of our boundary wall might have been prison-cells. As they were not on our land I had not been able to investigate them.

But, "Dungeons," one of the students insisted. I pointed out that the "wells" were too small, but they thought this was part of the punishment: "They were dumped in there from above and a heavy stone lid clamped on top with just a crack to let in a little air. They couldn't get out. It must have been awful."

Yes, but I couldn't agree. I'd never heard of or read about such a form of torture. Still, although I persisted with my theory about the latrines, I couldn't reject their idea altogether. There had to be something to account for the very thick walls there which they were sure were built to keep the prisoners in.
Joan Hope

I don't think they are latrines ,the 4 holes were only 6' deep and if you had a 100 men using them they would fill up fast and that kind of clay will not allow drainage.

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If you want to know what happen to the Templars and their treasure, check out this TV show on H2, History Channel 2, Check out this video on YouTube: Video Link: America Unearthed: Hunt for the Holy Grail The Holy Grail is one of the most sought after treasures of all time, and one treasure hunter thinks he knows exactly where it is. He invites Scott Wolter along on his quest to find it, and the result is a North American treasure hunt of epic proportions. Legends, a treasure map and the results of ground penetrating technology all point to the Grail being in a single location--a holy well on the property of a rumored Templar Prince. What Scott finds in and around the well will shock even the skeptics in this edge-of-your-seat season finale.

Can't view video. Something about copyright infringement. Love the show on H2!

I just wanted to say I finally saw this episode (series finale of season 1 America Unearthed on Amazon Prime). One thing I didn't like was the host butting in like he discovered it and barking orders, but I would guess the drilling was on their dime. Would have liked to hear more from finderkeeper about the history and research of the site up till then.

Concerning the backfill, maybe it was the other way around. Maybe it was there they tested their theories and kept it safe while they dug oak islands money pit and then moved it when complete.

Could the "castle" have been destroyed in such a way to hide it ever being there? Either way it makes a good story.

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Hi Henry, Ya, You got it right with what you saw on the show, we had no control of how the film crew filmed the show and we had little to say our way. The next show we do on site will be done our way with another film crew. The area was dug up by a back hoe in 1960's when someone ran a plastic pipe from the well to the house. This was the area the radar picked out to be a void or disturb area. How do we know it was dug up in the 1960's. The drill rig brought up a tube of tooth paste with a paten date on it. There was a great deal of better info we found at the site that was never told. Scott called the shots to be filmed but I called the shots were to drill and dig because I paid for everything at the site. He got what he came for and that's it . I will show what we found and more when we do it again.
I just wanted to say I finally saw this episode (series finale of season 1 America Unearthed on Amazon Prime). One thing I didn't like was the host butting in like he discovered it and barking orders, but I would guess the drilling was on their dime. Would have liked to hear more from finderkeeper about the history and research of the site up till then.

Concerning the backfill, maybe it was the other way around. Maybe it was there they tested their theories and kept it safe while they dug oak islands money pit and then moved it when complete.

Could the "castle" have been destroyed in such a way to hide it ever being there? Either way it makes a good story.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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