Not quite correct, the term is not entirely interchangeable, but they are not at all like Khalid's stone. Khalid's stone does not have the stripe that "lights up" across the middle. Tiger eye is a stone found in Africa, and can but doesn't always present the single stripe which makes it a "cat's eye" stone. There are other stones besides tiger eye that make the stripe which moves as you move the stone to the light and they are called cat's eyes, but they are not tiger eye and the term is not interchangeable. I am a lapidary and work with a lot of stones, if you look where you found those pics of tiger eye that you will see other pieces that do not have the cat's eye effect, yet it is still tiger eye and those stones will not be called cat's eye. Regardless, none or the stones that display the cat's eye effect are similar to nor related to Khalid's stone. Khalid's stone displays concentric circles which is not a cat's eye effect and you can not get the concentric circles from raw stone that the cat's eyes come from. Moonstone, Alexandrite, and a couple other stones display the cat's eye when cut in the right direction, and they are not at all related to the stone known commercially as tiger eye.