2nd hole of the day, Oh Yeah!


Silver Member
Jan 5, 2016
NW Arkanslaw
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 900 / Garrett PropointerAT.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My digging buddy and I went to check out an old cave that he's been going on about for the last three years, but when we got there it was practically inaccessible, unless we were to wade through a bunch of water just to get to the opening. I said no thanks, it's winter.

So I took him to a nearby old church with a cemetery behind it that has more headstones than the town had living people. He wanted to hunt around the church and I decided to hunt the little road between the cemetery and a wet weather creek that runs along the edge.

As I parked I saw a bunch of limbs that had fallen from a tree that was dying in the cemetery and decided to do a good deed before I started hunting by dragging them all out of the cemetery and just making things look a little better. I guess it paid off in good karma because the second hole I dug sounded like it might be a wheat penny or clad dime at best but to my surprise it had an 1876 Seated Liberty Dime.

These are so far and few between around here it's not even funny.


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Upvote 47
Wow ! great save, I`ve never seen one up close, that must be quite the thrill, congrats!:notworthy:

Congratulations. Very nice find.:icon_thumright:

Beautiful coin, Icewing! Yes, karma indeed paid off, getting out of ourselves and doing the right thing once in awhile sure goes a long way. Congrats on the Seated, as I am STILL poking around looking for my first Seated coin, this year I would have laid good money on finding one as I put myself on some really good, old sites that had the history to produce one, but, alas, not to be so I'll keep at it, thanks for sharing yours, Ddf.

Nice save, congratulations! :occasion14:

seated just has a nice ring to it and it is even better when you found it and it is in your hand. way cool and congrats

Yep, she's sitting down! Man, coins were so much nicer back then! Nice save man! You should probably make time in the spring / summer to go back to that cave. People used to hide stuff in those things. Of course animals like it in there too! :)

You did the right thing in removing those branches,the reward was your nice Barber dime.

Great coin Icewing. Those Seated coins will always get you excited. Great deed on cleaning the place.

Nice seated! Congrats! :icon_thumleft: The seated coin is high on my bucket list.

Great coin those are elusive I would have done the cave winter or not. lol Happy Holidays my friend , Tommy

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