ranger ricky
- #1
Thread Owner
Never hunted fossils but i find them and lots along the river so many that I rarely give a second look but after learning so much from the site, md-ing arrow head, relic I would love to know what these fosils are and formost would you pick up and collect (perhaps the more important issue) ........Cumberland river Ky/ near Tenn border, also other low areas the fossils I find, are as perfectly shaped and round as a piece of pipe or pencil, usually diameter 3/4 inch (perhaps a little less) in diameter and smaller, about 1/2 an inch long generally, with rings around them or groves. IM hoping they are so common here abouts you will most likely have a thought as to what they are, secondly my digital camera which I can download and when I try to post they say pics are to large have you a clue on a usuer friendly site to make them smaller so I can post thanks