If you notice the mom has abandoned them you could take them and see what hatches.. I've done it several time with duck and Canadian geese eggs!!
That is illegal in my state, that being said I may or may not have done the same thing with some canadian geese.
Yes, size would be much helpful, but they are very similar to Turkey Vulture eggs.
That is illegal in my state, that being said I may or may not have done the same thing with some canadian geese.
Oh Dear!!well then maybe you dont want to take these back home with yah! LMAO! That wouldn't be kewl if they were vulture eggs WHOA! Then too think they will think your their mommy! OH DEAR GOODNESS!!!
Can you give an estimated size. It could be alot of species depending on size. could be black vulture, that is my guess since there isn't an actual nest built.