1st gold ring?


Jr. Member
May 20, 2012
Dillon,South Carolina
Detector(s) used
MineLab E-Trac,Fisher f75 se and F4
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Its an initial ring with "P" inscribed on the front with a few designs on the sides.It broke while cleaning it up but the band inside
says "gold SH?" with 3 diamonds stamped in there..i dont know if there was anything else wrote inside the pieces were lost.
Any input or thought welcome.It should be atleast gold plated.I hope.

Upvote 9
It looks very old, the design. It is the initial of my last name. Great find, take it to a jeweler, they will help you ID it if they can.

i tried one local jeweler and he didnt even really put any effort into looking then he said it didnt mean anything to him. I'll carry it somewhere else and try and find out something.Thanks for your response.

That pic of the inside looks like somethign is chipping...Not sure if its lighting...it does look old for sure....i would invest in a Silver/Gold test kit for your future finds

Neat old ring! :icon_thumright: If not solid gold, it seems to me some other metal color would show at the breaks. As to jewelers, they're just human like us: some are always crabby unless they see a big sale coming, but many are very helpful. If they are busy with customers when you first arrive, just peruse their stock until they're totally finished with customers -- that way, they're not pressured. My son & I had several dug gold rings tested at various times for karat level: most jewelers were very helpful, one who does custom work is literally too busy, and one so snooty that I doubt even his family can stand him, lol. Exploring jewelry shops is kind of like exploring a new detecting site! HAVE FUN! :cat: Andi

the spot i found it also brought up 3 silver barber quarters... about 15 v nickles.. about 5 indains including a 1870 indian..1885 indian and an no date shield nickle..They werent all my finds but the spot produced all and more over multiple visits with 3 of us detecting.

Gold it very soft and will bend not break. It does not oxidize or break down either. I am wondering if it is a Gold Plating of some sort. That could be what the SH is referring to. Still it is a great find and does look to be fairly old. Also great job on the photos, nice and clear even when enlarged.

Design looks very old. If it came out of the ground like that I'd say its gold. Over time metals can crystallize w/ repeated freeze-thaw conditions and even gold can become brittle over time, depending on the alloy. I'd recommend you do a search on this website for instructions on how to do a density test. Even if you don't have a standard acid gold test kit a density test is pretty accurate if you can figure out how to do it.

Yes came out of the ground about like that was just duller..i just rinsed it with water.
Design looks very old. If it came out of the ground like that I'd say its gold. Over time metals can crystallize w/ repeated freeze-thaw conditions and even gold can become brittle over time, depending on the alloy. I'd recommend you do a search on this website for instructions on how to do a density test. Even if you don't have a standard acid gold test kit a density test is pretty accurate if you can figure out how to do it.

Congrats on your first gold ring.

I should add that Greybear is pretty close to the mark, but 10k and lower purity gold rings can corrode and recrystallize over time. I once saw a friend's 10k gold class ring that had been in the ocean long enough that part of it had actually dissolved away, and I have a couple 10k rings that have actually been broken.

I should add that Greybear is pretty close to the mark, but 10k and lower purity gold rings can corrode and recrystallize over time. I once saw a friend's 10k gold class ring that had been in the ocean long enough that part of it had actually dissolved away, and I have a couple 10k rings that have actually been broken.
Thanks..i seen plenty of gold chains broke too.

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10k is 42% gold. Rings will usually be marked with the K marking if the ring is a gold content. When they are marked as 24 GP that would be 24 K gold plate. I have never seen the marking as on this ring so not sure what it means. A guess, it could be labeled Gold and the other letters could be initials of the owner or maker, just a thought! If it is a gold alloy ring then the alloy used will determine if it would break down or not. If I remember right nickel is used as an alloy as well as brass. Both should be fairly stable although you may get some green tarnish from high brass content.
If you have done some coin hunting you have probably found newer US pennies. They are sink with a copper plate. In certain soils they break down very fast. I found one that had warts all over it and it was only a year old penny. Another only had traces of copper and the sink was badly corroded. If gold has a poor alloy it could do the same thing.

My first thought the "P" is Pedro, from South of the Border...ever heard of it? haha, then w/ the rest of your digs I guess I wasn't him who lost it. goodluck w, your research, sorry I'm no help at all.

That ring is gold shell, it has a shell of gold around a brass core. Shelled rings have thicker gold than gold plated rings. GS = GOLD SHELL, HGS = HEAVY GOLD SHELL. If it aint marked k, its not a solid ring.

Of course up and down I-95 thats all you see are the signs lol, but i live 7 miles from it haha and it isnt worth half of the signs
My first thought the "P" is Pedro, from South of the Border...ever heard of it? haha, then w/ the rest of your digs I guess I wasn't him who lost it. goodluck w, your research, sorry I'm no help at all.

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