Just got my IDX yesterday, I was out of town. At 7:00 this morning I searched our yard, for some practice. Couldn't believe what I found!! Later went to a park and found .84 cents in clad.
Nice!!! I just got my XLT two days ago and have yet to try it out because of the snow storm we had here in Jersey. I hope my luck runs on the same line as yours for my first time with the XLT. HH ....Wolf
WOW! Baddog1,
What a way to start. Few people ever find a silver dollar. You really started off the right way. Hope things continue to go that well.
That's an awesome first find! I would say if you don't find any more oldies it was lost by a kid not supposed to be having it from dad's collection! Find others and it's for sure there was something there a long time ago. Maybe your housing was built on an old park or fairground. Giterdone
Jeez. Impressive.
I would give my left (non swinging) arm for a find like that. If that find is any indication..you will have the best MDing career in the history of the universe. Few ever find silver dollars, let alone ones in that coindition.