For those who havent heard or are on the fence about my title, I think the photos say it all. This was built by me, when I didnt have a sluice box and gold fever got the best of me. It 1ft long 6inches wide with a single riffle, inspection mat and 1/8 inch grated metal, ive tested this out and its the perfect thing for fine and flour gold, panned the run off and yep no gold lost, im working on putting in a triangle shoot on the front to help flow and making an extra grate for larger gold, the creeks near me have mostly fine-flour gold. I would love some input or suggestions on improvements as im always trying to make new or cheap things to help those near me who want to get started, ive infected a dozen people in my area with gold fever, I love to see peoples eyes light up when they get that first bit of color.
Hope u see color in ur pans and sluices.
Hope u see color in ur pans and sluices.