Most likely it was a regular penny and somebody decided to practice plating on it. I doubt that's silver that was used either. Either that or it's counterfeit.
lets counterfeit a penny how many would you have to counterfeit to profit they made it the wrong size and would it be similar to the 1974 aluminum penny
It is just altered, there are a couple of ways to do it. Heating until the zinc starts to expand but not quite melt, or by putting between two pieces of a softer material like leather and pounding it out. They have been posted here before.
I was leaning towards a 1994-D Lincoln Cent struck on a Nickel Planchet until I saw the pics but now I am really not sure what to think! Although the rim appears slightly larger than normal, it doesn't seem large enough nor does there appear to be large enough of a void between the rim and the lettering/details to be a Cent struck on a Nickel Planchet. Besides, it appears to be a Zinc Planchet versus a .750 percent Copper and .250 percent Nickel Planchet for minting Nickels. If I had to guess without seeing the thickness of the coin, I would say that the Copper plating was removed with acid, then the coin was squeezed in a vice between two pieces of leather and is a man made Error made to deceive an unsuspecting Buyer.