1937 Penny fron england Unc. No pics

According to 'Spinks' which is the UK Standard coin collectors 'bible', it's not worth anything I'm afraid unless it is in uncirculated condition in which case a dealer would try to sell it to you for £8. They would buy it from you for between £3 and £4.

I found it. It's not 1937 or 1938. It's 1930 and is uncirculated.

According to 'Spinks', a dealer would sell you an uncirculated 1930 penny for £70 and one in circulated but 'Very Fine' condition for £5. Bear in mind that British Grading of coins is different to that of the USA. I Britain, for a coin to be classified as 'Uncirculated' it should be part of a proof set, or in a sealed capsule from the time it was minted and untouched by human hand.

Why don't you post some pictures of it and all of us here can have a go at grading it. It's always great fun because people's opinions vary and you can usually guarantee at least one call for pistols at dawn!!

Hope this helps.

These are some pics. I'll try to find better ones


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Hopefully better pictures note the rainbow toning above the trident.


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It's tough to hazard a grade Teapot because the photos are out of focus. If you can post Macros it would be easier. As it stands I would grade them under UK parameters as the top end of VF (Very Fine), heading towards the bottom end of EF (Extremely Fine). I'd say you would probably be able to sell it on E-Bay for about £5 or £6 but without detailed pics it's only guesswork really.

My apologies, I'm using the app so the pictures are from my iPod camera. I'll try to get better ones at some point.

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