13 Reasons to NOT BECOME A Land Lord


Gold Member
Dec 30, 2012
Canton Ohio Area
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The other day i got permission to search and home site after the renters moved out. We used to own rental properties and one renter destroyed the inside of the home. I said NO MORE and got out of the business ASAP . Here are some inside pictures of the house i got permission to do . In side is how they left it.


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I decided landlording was not for me when I helped a friend who managed a tri-plex clean one of the units after they spent 4 months evicting the tenant. First thing we noticed in the living room was a pile of spit sunflower seeds about 14 inches high by the reclining chair...it was all downhill from there.

Similar story…..4-6 months to evict, looked similar to the first pick but with the odd used needle thrown in for good measure. They would smoke in the bed and throw the butts behind the headboard. A million wonders how the house didn’t burn down…..may have been better if it did.

FYI….these people passed a background check. Apparently their most recent maintains a dwelling, child endangerment and possession with intent were still pending in the court system.

I tried it too when I divorced and decided to rent the house. They didn't trash it that bad but were constantly clogging up the plumbing, broke the garage door several times, always late on rent, never moved the grass, etc. A friend's son was looking for a house & I made him a good deal. He still owns it after 30 + years.

That's horrible those above pics! I tried to landlord once.... ONCE! After 1 year it didn't take me long to sell the house, 4 acres and my 1st old woodshop. I seem to have ZERO tolerance and a big mouth for any apparent destruction or upkeep on any home I own.

The real kicker was on a Thanksgiving day. This rental home was about 200 yds from my home. I saw they had a lot of family and friends over. I could see 5-6 cars through the woods. About noon my renters grandson came knocking on my door. He states: Grandma needs help because the kitchen sink is all plugged up. So down I go. Food and activity going on all over this large kitchen. They need this sink... NOW! Finally got enough water out of sink to remove the gooseneck from below. It was PACKED FULL and I could see the pipe was also. I asked what the hell is this? "Oh... must be mashed potatoes". How... you haven't ate yet! Well so and so brought out a huge box of instant potatoes and discovered it had been long expired. So you threw it down the sink and turned on the water...? Yep... It took me almost another hour to clear the pipes.... Just so stupid!

13 Reasons to NOT BECOME A Land Lord

You need(ed) 13 ‽ 😲

We thought about becoming landlords as a secondary income source.
Took some courses in real estate & business law.
Then we took a 💩hole apartment in a big old conversion
owned by a rat bastard landlord.
That cured us.

As with many other professions/career paths, being a landlord requires a certain personality type.
I KNOW I don't have it!

My wife and her sister inherited their parents house and rented it out. The first tenants, were pretty much okay for the first year. After awhile the rent payments slowed. Later on it just stopped coming and they took legal action to evict. Finally the tenants moved on. The place was trashed and the last thing the tenants did before leaving was fill the main sewage pipe full of concrete. My wife and sisters were always at odds about that place and my wife, just signed off her half to her sister and wanted nothing more to do with that house.

I'd wager some sucker is gonna swim through all that trash and pull out a handful of trinkets they think have "value".

Hopefully, they put up and walked away from a $1,,000 security deposit.
Don in SoCal
lol... Don your showing your age.

$1,000 aint nothing anymore when it comes to the types of situations described above by many.

Try like 5 times that now. heh
AND THATS just surface type stuff.
You start getting into replacing and restorations its jumping that 5k easily.
NOT to mention ALL of the lost revenue from non payments to time down doing work to retrofit.
AND YOUR time all the way around.

A really bad tenant can ruin someone if the stars are aligned.

You need(ed) 13 ‽ 😲

We thought about becoming landlords as a secondary income source.
Took some courses in real estate & business law.
Then we took a 💩hole apartment in a big old conversion
owned by a rat bastard landlord.
That cured us.

As with many other professions/career paths, being a landlord requires a certain personality type.
I KNOW I don't have it!
Don't feel alone sir... I most certainly don't either! :occasion14:

Yep! We have a property management company do the "work" aka...everything!
Around here rentals are being sold and become B&B's. 5 times the rent and short stay rent situations. People staying a few days seem to be a better option...plus the money!

Yep! We have a property management company do the "work" aka...everything!
Around here rentals are being sold and become B&B's. 5 times the rent and short stay rent situations. People staying a few days seem to be a better option...plus the money!
I can see that being a LOT BETTER option then landlording. I have a small home behind mine that's 90% done. With Nashville just down the road (1hr +/- a little) it perfect as a quick rental for 1-3 days. But now it needs a new roof, deck redone and the inside all finished up. Easily 1K a week income around here. I can easily afford to finish it but to what end...? I don't need the money or headaches from renters or the visitors. I'm kinda caught in limbo about it.

I can see that being a LOT BETTER option then landlording. I have a small home behind mine that's 90% done. With Nashville just down the road (1hr +/- a little) it perfect as a quick rental for 1-3 days. But now it needs a new roof, deck redone and the inside all finished up. Easily 1K a week income around here. I can easily afford to finish it but to what end...? I don't need the money or headaches from renters or the visitors. I'm kinda caught in limbo about it.
Yep! There is a B&B renter rating that some use, if you are decent guest you are moved to the top of the list, not first come first serve.

You need(ed) 13 ‽ 😲

We thought about becoming landlords as a secondary income source.
Took some courses in real estate & business law.
Then we took a 💩hole apartment in a big old conversion
owned by a rat bastard landlord.
That cured us.

As with many other professions/career paths, being a landlord requires a certain personality type.
I KNOW I don't have it!
I couldn't do it. I would end up in prison!

That's disgusting Gare. That eviction process is a pain to ever get approved and I've helped property management on a couple cause they needed some muscle but they came to me instead. None of the places looked this bad. Up here they want first, last, and a security deposit, so where I live can run you about $7,000 dollars just to get in. I bet that's how that looked when those folks were living there.

That's disgusting Gare. That eviction process is a pain to ever get approved and I've helped property management on a couple cause they needed some muscle but they came to me instead. None of the places looked this bad. Up here they want first, last, and a security deposit, so where I live can run you about $7,000 dollars just to get in. I bet that's how that looked when those folks were living there.
They lived by my Horse barn . So we drove past the house twice a day, The grass was like 2 foot high the windows has blankets hanging on every window so no one could see in. It is really disgusting !!! and the laws usually make it nearly impossible to evict them !!!

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