12-17-12 San Antonio theatre shooting. shooter shot.

How many times did you see it on the news?

You think only the worst.” But the national media ignored this story, even though the shooting occurred just two days after the Newtown shooting. It wasn't just a case that (thankfully) no one was killed in the San Antonio incident. Very likely, no one was killed because of the timely intervention of the armed off-duty officer. If the media were honestly looking for solutions to gun violence, they should have jumped on the San Antonio to show the difference a good person with a gun can make. But they didn't, apparently because it does not fit the narrative that the mainstream media promote — that is, that guns cause violence rather than prevent it.

It doesn't fit the liberal medias agenda....

The NRA’s David Keene responded to the decision with the organization’s standard middle-of-the-road defense of the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights.

“One of the things that people in these town meetings and other folks ought to look at is the constitution itself. It is possible and it is legal to put certain restrictions on second amendment rights,” he said, “but those kinds of restrictions have to be looked at very critically.”

Did someone fart? :dontknow: Kinda stinks in here....

P.S. thanks for bringing this incident to our attention releventchair.

The NRA’s David Keene responded to the decision with the organization’s standard middle-of-the-road defense of the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights.

“One of the things that people in these town meetings and other folks ought to look at is the constitution itself. It is possible and it is legal to put certain restrictions on second amendment rights,” he said, “but those kinds of restrictions have to be looked at very critically.”
Hi picker. What's your post mean as a reply to question? I,m fine with the N.R.A. as well as yourself, i,m curious about the medias reaction on this one.

releventchair, I never did see this on the news.

At last an answer i was looking for! I caught a glimpse thinking it was a previous event till last couple seconds then did not see it again, let alone every time the news was on.

The guy didn't gp into the theatre to shoot anyone. He was running away from a crime and went to hide or run through it. Not a big deal because this sort of stuff happens all the time here. Guys running from the cops last week or so took a shortcut through a dude's house. The owner of the house shot him as he ran through. Besides, we're more used to watching stories about scams, electricity and water rate hikes, road closures and wrecks, shootings and stabbings. The female deputy who shot the guy got a certificate and so did the SAPD cop that backed her up. Wasn't a terrorist deal, just another hold up...

The guy threatened to go to his girlfriends work and shoot some one. And he did non fatally, people bailed,some to theatre next door where he pursued to discover not only was someone else armed but also a better shot.
I hear your point Austin,just would like to have seen it trotted out for balance, though i know better. Media is big on reaction,this would have added credibility to Wayne's statement of a gun stopping a gun.

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