10/9/05 FINDS


Bronze Member
Mar 14, 2005
Orlando, FL
Well, finally talked my hubby into taking us to the beach. I wanted to detect there because it's a little easier than digging dirt. Boy! What a mistake! We were only there for a couple of hours and I found: 15 beer bottle caps; 1 large twist tie; 3 pull tabs; 1 pair sunglasses; can slaw; 1 teeny tiny nail; a cache of about 8 buried soda cans; a ball of tin foil; and 1 1963 nickel! I had such high hopes.....oh, well. Better days are ahead!


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sounds like one of those days. I would just call it a bit of a slump.

Better luck sure to come.

have a good un.............

:-[ :-[ :-[

Oh Vickie :'(

Sorry you didn't find many keepers.... :P

But....on the bright side.....YOU GOT TO VISIT THE BEACH!!! 8)

Nana ;)

Sorry to hear that Vic ? you could always start collecting aluminum cans for recycling. Did you try detecting along the beach when the tide was low? I am betting that there wouldn?t be as many caches of aluminum -- Just a guess though I have never detected a beach.

Sorry about your luck... It is a shame there is so much trash, on a beach, or at the parks, very dangerous for all the little feet roaming around... Better luck next time, & Happy hunting~

Thanks for the sympathy guys! My main purpose in posting was to show the newbies that everyone digs crap and that the great finds are truely an event.

I did try to detect the high water line to the water, but the shells were so broken up and sharp, my poor tootsies wouldn't take it. It was too far back to where my flip flops were. I rarely get to detect the beach so I'm sure my technique was sorely lacking.


I have had the same luck on a few occaisions, there there have been very good times. It is just "hit or miss" You will do better next time. You need to get you some beach booties, I don't ever go to the beach without them....I must have tender feet.


Sounds like most of my hunts! However good things come to those who wait!

Keep @ it and HH!!

Mike in Fla - Boy! I must have had a "senior moment"------------I've got beach booties and didn't even think of them! "DOH!!" as Homer Simpson would say. You can bet I'll remember them next time. Thanks for reminding me!


My wife gets mad at me for detecting on the beach.......she says it makes me look like a goober.

I tried to explain that I look like a goober anyway......but that didn't work..... Oh well! ;D

I can relate to that.mine says I look like an old jewish retired man and I m not even jewish. changed her mine last year can home with 2 gold rings one she took,this year 4 gold and 5 sivler now she just calls me honey

Bummer -but at least you got out there! Too bad the 63 nickel wasn't a dime or a quarter! Better luck next time!

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