10-15-05 Club Hunt finds


Sr. Member
Oct 26, 2004
Jackson Creek,NC
Detector(s) used
Ace 250
Our annual club hunt was held today. Had a total of 4 hunts altogether. Tag team in which 2 people were teamed up and tied together...1 detected and the other one dug with no talking. My partner and I took 3rd place with 46 coins found in 15 min. I got the 27 Merc dime pictured below the Walker half on the top left of pic.

Next hunt was the penny hunt. 300 pennies with some being painted gold and white on one side and the rest regular pennies. At the end of the hunt a coin was flipped to see which color was going to count towards the total. Gold won so any coins painted white you put to the side. Then you counted standard coins and the gold ones for a total.....I didnt place in that hunt.

Next was the poker hunt. Cards from 2 decks were cut in half and a penny folded up inside and buried. When you found 5 cards, you had your hand and stopped detecting. Best hand wins........I didnt place in this one either.

Last hunt was the silver and token hunt. A total of 600 coins and a bunch of numbered tokens were buried. Had 2 15 minute rounds to find all you could. I came out with a total of 32 coins in the first round, 21 in the 2nd, and 8 tokens altogether. I also found the 4 foreign coins that were buried together as a cache. There were also rolls of 50 wheats buried.......but I didnt hit on one of them.

I ended up placing 3rd for total coins found and got the Walker half as a prize.......AND.......won a Fisher 1212-X detector with one of the tokens. Also won several more prizes.....Whites headphones, Garrett Ace series hat, FDR commemorative medallion, apron, clock, gift certificate to a local resturant, and a knife.

I hadnt ever been to a seeded hunt and didnt think I would like it but it was fun. I know my legs are killing me from squatting so much. I had a 35 mile drive home.......and I would have killed for a car with an automatic transmission....lol.

More pics from the silver hunt here................ http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=8517576&uid=826033





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Job well done you can't complain with prizes like that. How many took part in your hunt? My club has 28 members and we have 2 seeded hunts a year one in July in a field and one in Maine in Oct. We just hunt to games but yours sounds fun for physically able people. All the money we bring in for dues and 50/50 and auction goes into buying coins for the hunt. I have met many new people since I joined most of whom I like. I would suggest any newbie to join and at least learn the laws of there state and who knows find a hunting partner. :)

There were 12 members present and hunting. I think there are a few more in the club that didnt show. Our dues and raffle funds go towards buying the coins and prizes that were not donated.

Im 40 and my legs were killing me after the first hunt.....I thought I was in better shape than that. ::) Besides one of the members sons......Im probally among maybe 2 people my age....the rest are older. Im sure they are probally hurting tonite.

I had made 2 scoops to take and donate as prizes. A club member contacted me and wanted to buy one.....so I let him take his choice between the 2 pc 2 grips scoop and the 2 pc 1 grip scoop. He bought the 2pc 2 grip and guess who won the other scoop??? Yep....HE did. LOL

It pumped me up winning that detector.....even though its one of the low end Fishers. It still makes for a better back up than the Bounty Hunter. ;D

Most excellent job zeke!! It sounds like a VERY cool time.WTG on the finds!!

Sounds like a great day! My club is having one the 22nd, but it's the opoening day of muzzle loading deer hunting and I will be off to the woods. I know what you mean about the legs. I really have trouble stooping anymore and I have a darn knee giving me fits. I went out and bought a knee brace this morning. Glad you had a good time. Monty

Congratulations Zeke!

? ? I have a couple of questions......yall don't laugh but.....

? ? ? ? ? I don't belong to a club and when I read the post of the folks that have gone to one... I wondered....

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How do they bury all those coins and not leave any trace as to where they are? Do they put them there weeks in ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?advance of a hunt?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?And....what if all the coins are not found...then what....are they just left there?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Just wondering!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Great finds!!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Nana ?;)

Most of the coins for the penny hunt were just under the grass and on top of the dirt.....just well hidden. The pennies in the folded cards for the poker hunt were a little more hidden. All of the coins except for the silver were buried yesterday(Friday).....and we all got there around 8 this morning to bury the silver coins.

The general rule of thumb was to use a hunting or butcher knife to cut a slot in the sod no deeper than an inch or 2.....sticking the knife in at an angle to be able to bury the coin flat. With over 600 buried silver coins and how ever many tokens there were.......all were accounted for at the end of the hunt.

Some places you could tell where one was hid....but other places you could not. We had 12 guys with ziplock baggies of 50 coins plus the tokens doing the hiding......I couldnt even locate any of the ones I buried. Stinks too because I had a bag of some nice coins....Barber,Walking, and Franklin halves, Barber quarters and dimes. I did manage to find one barber dime and some Mercs....but only found the Kennedy half....and its a 67 ::)

Looks like a fun day. I've never been to a MD group hunt yet, but based and your day, its sounds like a lot of fun. Congrats on your wins as well.

GL & HH,


8)Congrats Zeke. Looks like it was a fun and interesting hunt. Gives me some new ideas for ours. Know about the aches and pains, always take some asprin or Aleve an hour or two before getting out. It doesn't keep the aches away permanently, just long enough to get home and soak in Epsom Salts. ;)
Went to Dallas for their big hunt, didn't do as well as would have liked. Will post some pics later as still trying to recoup, 650 mi. round trip and 38 hr. without sleep-guess I'm crazier than any MDer has a right to be. ;D

Sounds like you and your yeller feller had a good time, plus a new detector and a pile of silver! That poker hunts sounds cool, too! HH!

Good job Zeke, our club here in sw missouri had our hunt last month. I did pretty well with 170 coins. We had similar type of hunts, but we had a cache hunt. Silver dimes inside plastic 35 millimeter film cannisters. I got 14 of them. We also gave away 2 detectors.

Looks like you did okay.
Club hunts are a lot of fun.
Our club put on an open hunt back in the mid 80's. Between 4 people, we buried over 11,000 coins.
I couldn't walk for a week.

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