$1 bill (Is it worth anything) Please help


Mar 17, 2009
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I was working the other day as a merchant at my bank and a customer came in to do a deposit for Burger King. As I was running his money through our counter (you can run mixed notes) the total of his deposit was different from what I was getting on my counter which I had gotten serviced in the morning. I ran the money another time and couple bills fell in the divert slot so I put them through again and got the same amount. Then I ran it a third time and 2 notes fell in the divert a $5 and a $1. I put the $5 through first and then the $1 and the counter counted it as a $50. I then ran the $1 bill again and it read it as a $50, I put it to the light no markings visible of it being washed, I test it under a uv light and it passes the test for a $1 bill, then I approached 4 more different counters at my bank and they all read the $1 bill as a $50. Could this be a federal misprint? Can someone please help. Thank you.


  • Photo0262.webp
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Additionally I took another $1 bill and matched the two under a light and everything looked the same


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It doesn't look special to me, but if you know where I can get a couple thousand one dollar bills that read as $50.00's when making deposits, let us know !

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I'm not sure of what counters and bill changers look for on a bill. I was thinking the metallic strip that is in all new bills, but $1 notes don't have that feature. This will be interesting to find out about. Take it to a casino and see if you get $50 bucks in credits for $1 dollar. :icon_jokercolor:

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72cheyenne said:
I'm not sure of what counters and bill changers look for on a bill. I was thinking the metallic strip that is in all new bills, but $1 notes don't have that feature. This will be interesting to find out about. Take it to a casino and see if you get $50 bucks in credits for $1 dollar. :icon_jokercolor:

I went last night and thought about it haha

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dcinffxva said:
It doesn't look special to me, but if you know where I can get a couple thousand one dollar bills that read as $50.00's when making deposits, let us know !

Oh I know I wish I knew haha I dont mind sharing the wealth ;)

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Hmm... should I take the dollar to a coin shop and let them examine the bill? ???

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hold the bill up to a bright light source --then look and see if the $1 bill has a "50 dollar" magnetic thread in it --- if so it might have been a $50 bill blank ( like they use to do "star" replacement notes -- that some how got printed and shipped out as a $1 bill -- if so its a huge most def "error" --since the electronic money counters at a bank will read it as a "50" rather than its $1 face value .---or as a con job someone stripped the thread out of a "real" $50 --then spent it as a $50 --they then put the thread from the $50 in a one dollar bill -- once it is run thru the banks money counter-- the place of deposit (burger king) would get credit for a $50 deposit -(the depositer skims $49 cash from the "burger king" deposit --pocketing it *as profiet ) - thus the scammer can thus turn $51 of "real money"-- into 50 bucks to spend (the stripped $50) and swipe $49 out of the deposit cash by using the altered one that counts as a $50 in the deposit ) using the lage deposit to "wash" or hide what there doing --- unless the teller is alert and catches it (like you did)--and since the dollar bill is real you can not scream "he passing counterfiet " -- so if he gets caught he goes -- gee thats odd --- I know nothing about it , we must have got the bill from some customer. go ahead and take the bogus $1 bill --(no great loss) -- so its either a serious error bill or a put up scam job.

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ivan salis said:
hold the bill up to a bright light source --then look and see if the $1 bill has a "50 dollar" magnetic thread in it --- if so it might have been a $50 bill blank ( like they use to do "star" replacement notes -- that some how got printed and shipped out as a $1 bill -- if so its a huge most def "error" --since the electronic money counters at a bank will read it as a "50" rather than its $1 face value .
Ivan, is there any known examples of this type error?

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I have no clue why a $1 bill would be counted as $50 ???

Could it be the dirt on the bill itself that distort the counting machine reading?

Maybe BK soon will be launching commercials with try this '....' and you'll be rewarded 50 folds ;D

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ivan salis said:
hold the bill up to a bright light source --then look and see if the $1 bill has a "50 dollar" magnetic thread in it --- if so it might have been a $50 bill blank ( like they use to do "star" replacement notes -- that some how got printed and shipped out as a $1 bill -- if so its a huge most def "error" --since the electronic money counters at a bank will read it as a "50" rather than its $1 face value .---or as a con job someone stripped the thread out of a "real" $50 --then spent it as a $50 --they then put the thread from the $50 in a one dollar bill -- once it is run thru the banks money counter-- the place of deposit (burger king) would get credit for a $50 deposit -(the depositer skims $49 cash from the "burger king" deposit --pocketing it *as profiet ) - thus the scammer can thus turn $51 of "real money"-- into 50 bucks to spend (the stripped $50) and swipe $49 out of the deposit cash by using the altered one that counts as a $50 in the deposit ) using the lage deposit to "wash" or hide what there doing --- unless the teller is alert and catches it (like you did)--and since the dollar bill is real you can not scream "he passing counterfiet " -- so if he gets caught he goes -- gee thats odd --- I know nothing about it , we must have got the bill from some customer. go ahead and take the bogus $1 bill --(no great loss) -- so its either a serious error bill or a put up scam job.

I did do that, and there is no strip like a $50 has and no watermarkings of the president, just like a $1 doesnt have any of that sort, and the paper does not feel washed or anything.

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IronSpike said:
I have no clue why a $1 bill would be counted as $50 ???

Could it be the dirt on the bill itself that distort the counting machine reading?

Maybe BK soon will be launching commercials with try this '....' and you'll be rewarded 50 folds ;D

I actually had the counters serviced that morning and i tried it on every single machine and it ran it as a $50. I ran another $1 and it counted it as $1 but when i ran that $1 it showed up as a $50

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daddytop cat * -- so called "star" notes (single pressed "teplacement" notes) are made to replace worn out / mangled / misprinted notes and are made one at a time --they have a star type mark next to their serial number -- now if a 50 dollar repacement bill blank (with the 50 dollar magnetic strip in it ) was pressed and shipped out as a $1 bill --that would "account" for why the $1 bill rings up as a 50 on the electronic counters (but as a $1 replacement bill it should/ would have the "star" mark on it )--- while I have not seen one myself its about the only legal way I can think of that a $1 bill could ring up as a 50---unless a sheet 50 bill paper got mixed up with the 1 paper and a sheet got miss pressed --- but they say no magnetic strip visable --so who knows?

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No visible magnetic strip or watermark. The ones have none of that. Nobody counterfeits $1 bills. Im going to guess that this may be a new type of counterfeit on the market. I hope you can solve this and maybe you should contact the FBI. No telling how many banks are getting these or maybe the counterfeiter was just testing your machines. Wash off the dirt and try it again. Maybe its special "dirt" lol.

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actually its the secert services job to track down counterfieters ( they were formed in the civil war to do just that --before they became the presidential body guards .)-- the treasury boys would be very interested about that very odd bil too I bet .

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Second thought, I wouldnt wash it. Id leave it as is until it can go to the lab for testing. Dont give it up until your ready because you wont get an answer nor will you get it back. Yes Ivan I bet they would be very interested.

I went back and re-read that the deposit was from Burger King. It doesnt sound like a counterfeiter would have any reason to try to pass these bills at Burger King unless by accident. Unless the manager is the scammer but I doubt it. Plus you said the deposit didnt match the slip. Was it the usual Burger King depositor? This is very interesting.

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by chance was the "burger king" deposit "off" by say 49 dollars ? -- if done rapidly and run thru a money counter -- with you counting the 1 as a 50 via electronioc counting of the "big" burger king deposit --- by "washing it" thru with the days reciepts -- the scammer could "pocket" 49 bucks out of the deposit money -- burger king would get their full deposit anount credited *--- and later on when the $49 short fall "occured" it would appear to be "bank teller / or bank error" very slick indeed -- except a sharp teller caught the game happening "in play" --*

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ivan salis said:
by chance was the "burger king" deposit "off" by say 49 dollars ? -- if done rapidly and run thru a money counter -- with you counting the 1 as a 50 via electronioc counting of the "big" burger king deposit --- by "washing it" thru with the days reciepts -- the scammer could "pocket" 49 bucks out of the deposit money -- burger king would get their full deposit anount credited *--- and later on when the $49 short fall "occured" it would appear to be "bank teller / or bank error" very slick indeed -- except a sharp teller caught the game happening "in play" --*
No Ivan. I think what he meant is that the deposit didnt match what it was supposed to be when the machine counted it. I guess it was $49 over. So the teller counted it again and again with other machines. If the Burger King depositor wanted to be slick he would have made the deposit match with the slip and never would have been caught. The teller (Schpoyda) wasnt being sharp at all. He was just doing his job counting the money. The way I understand is that the money machine didnt match the paper slip deposit amount. Did I got this right? Am I missing something?

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humm the way I read it was as the teller was running the "burger king" mixed billd deposit thru the electronic counter was off ( he did not say if it was over or under the deposit slip amount ) only that did not match the "deposit slip" -- so they re ran the bills thru the electronic conter again and it kicked out a 5 and a 1 --the third time --- it kicked out the 1 which kept reading as a 50 ---he checked it with 4 other tellers as well on all their electronic counters it came up as a $50 -- something is odd about that bill , indeed.

as a test run --if it gets caught --you know nothing --humm got it in the days cash -- tell the bank to keep the screwy one $1 or offer to keep it --(either way -- no big great loss ) -- now if the "burger king" deposit slip says say 3458 dollars --and you are able to slip in a the doctored 1 that counts as a 50 * and a careless clerk fast counts it using the "mixed bill" counter and gets 3458 --it "matches " even though you only really put in 3409-- your receiept would show the full "burger king" deposit of 3458 (the reciept which you return tio the store shows all the "burger king" money was deposited )-- thus leaving you $49 of "scammed" cash to pocket from the actual burger king "deposit" as profiet ( you'ld need a large cash type transaction to hide the miscounting 1 for 50 in)--if done at a peak time buzy hour often the "deposit money "would be tagged and set aside till later on -- later on at the close of bussiness the tally woulldn't add up --most likely it would be blamed on teller error / equiptment malfunction-- very slick ---esp if you only do it rarely -- milking the cow slowly.

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