I was working the other day as a merchant at my bank and a customer came in to do a deposit for Burger King. As I was running his money through our counter (you can run mixed notes) the total of his deposit was different from what I was getting on my counter which I had gotten serviced in the morning. I ran the money another time and couple bills fell in the divert slot so I put them through again and got the same amount. Then I ran it a third time and 2 notes fell in the divert a $5 and a $1. I put the $5 through first and then the $1 and the counter counted it as a $50. I then ran the $1 bill again and it read it as a $50, I put it to the light no markings visible of it being washed, I test it under a uv light and it passes the test for a $1 bill, then I approached 4 more different counters at my bank and they all read the $1 bill as a $50. Could this be a federal misprint? Can someone please help. Thank you.