050523 Finds


Sr. Member
May 17, 2005
Went down to the local beach this afternoon and wasn't having a lot of luck finding anything.? Went the longest time without a single beep from my XLT.? I had searched the upper part of the beach and the better part of 2 volleyball pits and had nada. Then I hit an area adjacent to one of the volleyball pits where I started finding all kinds of junk.? Some pieces of what appears to be bent metal wire or rod, like that found in chain link fences or something.? I found a few nails and a twisted piece of rusted wires.? I found a few non metal items in my scopp along the way.? A rubber disc that says Boston Whaler on it and a few nice rocks.? ?I also found a few of the ordinary bottle caps and a couple pull tabs, a paper clip and some foil.? Among the more interesting items was a fairly fresh piece of gum.? I smelled the mint when I picked up the scoop.? It was still soft and bendable....


I also found a chunk of concrete with a piece of rebar in it.? Seems like a core that was cut from somewhere.? ?It was smooth and finished on one end and had a piece of rebar through the other end.? ?


I then continued on to the other end of the beach to check the play lot and then up the water line, where people take their daily wallks.? Didn't find a thing.? ?I was thinking it was time to leave and, maybe, find somewhere else.? ?As I always do, I selected a line from the beach and headed up as one would do going back to their car.? I detected a path along side where there was a work crew laying out some rubber mats that go down to the beach.? Memorial day is quickly approaching and they were puting out the mats and clearing away the banks of drifted sand that had overtaken the fences over the winter.? Preparing the beach for the summer.? I searched an area parallel to the mats that they were putting on top of the sand.? ?As I was ready to give up with only 2cents in my pocket, I started getting a few hits.? Starting with the piece of gum then a couple pennies.? I put the scoop down in one place and came up with 2 pennies and a nickel in one scoop.? ?I kept working an area of about 6'x6'.? I must have worked that area for about 30 minutes or more, pulling in a total of 13 pennies, 2 dimes and 2 nickels for the day. Most of my finds were 4" or less.? My deepest was a penny at 7.5".? ? ?

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Sounds like your getting to the hotspot now. Those areas they clear away should have some decent stuff too. HH

Unfortunately the areas that they were shoveling out were over concrete to make way for the gates to be closed at night. ? During the off season, when there are no life guards and gate attendants, and no crowds, this area of the beach is left open and the parking lot, and beach are patroled by police. Anyone can go down there except after dark when the entrance roads, I think, are gated. But, from Memorial Day to Labor day the gates are attended and are open for residents or paying non-residents (with village passes or by fee). ?In the off season the gates are left open and sand builds up around them blocking them. ? So, they were clearing them to be able to close and control them. I could search the piles if I go back. If they are still there. I have a feeling though, that by the time I get back, they will have redistributed all the sand around other areas of the beach. ? For example, on the water line there were a couple holes that some kids dug. ?They were ?about 2 to 3' deep and about 6' accross. ?I am sure they will need to fill them in. ? Anyways, you do have a point about checking areas that are dug out or previously blocked. That often brings deeper items closer to the surface. Also, it can make areas searchable that you might not have been able to get to before. ?Saturday Night, I was down on another area of the beach where there was a large tree branch in the sand. ?I had been there a while and wasn't finding anything worth mentioning.. ?Some kid, probaby HS age, came down by the beach with some friends and was showing off by lifting and moving the branch. ?It wasn't very big around so maybe not heavy but it was large and awkward, I would think. After they left, I decided to search the area where the branch was earlier. ?Again, I wasn't having a great night out there and had chased a few false signals and all. Only stuff that I had found to this point was a couple pull tabs, some bubble toys (not even metal) and a couple pieces of foil. ?But, when I found that one spot, I found quite a bit of clad. ?


I searched for about a half hour, at that time also, and started to get hits all over the place.? I worked untill the area came up clean when scanned with the detector. I dug a few holes picking up mostly quarters and dimes in that case.? I worked that area , about 6' x 12' and then, as it got darker, went up toward the car.? Along the way I got a few hits at the top of the trail as it meets the sidewalk and some park benches.? I found mostly trash, the bottle caps etc., there, then started digging up keys.? Never found a key ring though.? ?I wanted to keep working the area but it got so dark I couldn't see what I was pulling out of the scoop.? ?Still have to go back to that area and check a little more.?

Looks like you had fun anyhow! I like your detailed posts, and great pics! Thanks for sharing, and good luck on your next hunt!!

I am always hopeful for better days. Not that I have had bad ones. All my hunts, so far, have resulted in something or another of interest or value. Mostly coins. I did find one ring a week or so ago. It is nice getting out in the nice weather and walking around in the sun. Taking advantage of the beaches before they get too crowded. Hopefully, as the beaches fill up next week, as kids get out of school and all, they won't get too busy to detect at some time.

I do have a plan to do some searching in more hard soil. There is a Railroad line near me that has been torn up and abandoned. It used to be an Interurban electric line up until the mid 60s, I think, Then a small freight line where goods were delivered to local industries. It has been completely innactive for about the last 6 years. I have the location of 2 stations that were along the line back in the inter-urban days. So, I am hoping to be able to go there and look a little. Might be able to find some old coin or something.

A couple thoughts that I would welcome some input on. There are overhead electric lines along the tracks, or where the tracks used to be. Not the wires to run the trains but Power lines. Should I expect any interference from them and is there anything I should do to set my White's XLT with that in mind? Also, what about permission issues. Should I chance it as the area is clearly innactive and all. They have torn up rails back a couple hundred feet from the intersections or crossings and removed rails and are removing signals. Or, would it seem wise to contact the railroad for permission? I do see people walking and hiking along the tracks from time to time. I would imagine there isn't any deterant from that. I do wonder if digging around would raise some other attention.

what state do you hunt? how long have you been at it?? ?HH

Northern Illinois.? ?I bought my XLT about 5 years ago right before a trip down to SW FLA.? ?I bought it in September, knowing I was going down in October for a month.? Thinking I was going back in April, I left it down there for the winter but never got back.? After about a year and a half, I made my way back down and shipped it back up north.? ?Since then, I put it back together and tried to get out but was too busy until recently.?I had only gotten out once or twice last year. ?So, without going on and on.... I got started with the hobby about 5 years ago and have read a lot on the web about strategies and some techniques.? However, I haven't really had much chance to put that theory into any real practice. I have only been at it with any intensity for about a month so for the technical understanding of my equipment, I am a wet behind the ears newbie.? ?I still have a lot to figure out on the detector itself and hope that will come with time.

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