yard sale

  1. World Series Champions, All-Star Autographs Found at Yard Sale for $1

    Check out what I found at a yard sale. The seller was planning to throw away all of the items at the end of the day, so everything was priced to sell ($1 per photo pack). I knew that these packs had to be worth something based on their age and seeing Mickey Mantle staring back at me. What I...
  2. Lucky Finds, Silver and Collectables!

    Hello! So last year and this year I've gotten into yard sales. Las year I was only looking for coins and silver and gold. I found a few things. But this year i found out that facebook marketplace is an awesome place to make money fast!!! So I've been hitting those yards sales quite a bit to look...
  3. Vintage SILVER magnifying glass!!!

    I'm in love with this facebook marketplace find!!! So pretty! I can't find much info about it online though. I found one or two pictures on etsy but didn't say the age. One place said it was Chinese. I saw that one ad said the butterfly part was silver. Looks silver to me but us it coated or...
  4. Found about $90 worth of stuff for only $7!

    Always awesome when you can make a good amount of money and have a ton of fun along the way!
  5. Question - what are the biggest issues with treasure hunting at garage/yard sales?

    I have considered spending more time looking for garage/yard sales, but am having trouble finding them in my area. Are there any websites/apps that can help with this? Also, what are the biggest challenges with treasure hunting at garage/yard sales? Just don't want to waste my time!
  6. Yard Sale Haul Videos

    Hey fellow treasure hunters!! I'm loving what I'm seeing on this site, and I'm all about reselling. I just wanted to pop in and drop a link to my Youtube channel and website for fellow resellers to check out. Check them out if you want. I appreciate any feedback or criticism you can provide...
  7. yardsalewatch

    First off wanted to say that I feel like a jerk posting this here. I googled yardsale forums and this site actually came up first. The more I read about it the more i knew it was far from yardsales. I wanted to post it here anyway. My name is David and I am just a normal person trying to be more...
  8. Buying The "Yard" Sale

    This morning before we got started working on the Jeep.. (had a few things I needed to take care of, Like sell our back seat and the seat belts) Our community was having it's bi-yearly yard sale and we would walk the neighborhood. I'm sure most of you are aware of what many of these items are...
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