yamashita gold

  1. What is this sign

    What is this sign

    Is anyone have an idea about this sign?
  2. is this Closed Tunnel or Japanese Camp

    hi guys we accidentally found Closed tunnel Near in The river and they have a rock sign in the river we don't know this but we found it and very wierd whene we go there the stunes is same size. is This A Treasure Or A Camp. i uploaded the video on youtube... please help me
  3. Treassure hunting ..Anyone knows this sign of wood branch and leaves engrave under 58 ft ?

  4. Another engrave wood branch. Free Comment bellow


    Hello! We are looking for treasure hunters to join our team on a new television series. We are the company behind Coopers Treasure. If interested please email me at- Justin@ampleent.com. I look forward to speaking with you.
  6. Need Help!! 200 Treasure Maps from WWII

    Hi everyone, My hobby is searching for Yamashita Treasure from WWII in the Philippines. I have come across 200 small maps indicating "Targets". I have scanned the red square area with 3 different scanners and have all located metal, precious metal and AU, though I have not dug it yet. The...
  7. Looking to cover a Yamashita Treasure Hunt for a story

    Aloha everyone, I'm researching doing a few Yamashita treasure hunts for a story on the island of Luzon. I am not actually interested in finding treasure for myself, but for your story. Your families history in the Philippines, the signs, maps, stories, past hunts, adventures. I'm especially...
  8. Hunter - Mindanao, PH

    Based in Davao Del Norte - We own; (removed by mod for rule violations. You must be supporting vendor to advertise here) Daaghang Selamat Po, Thank you,
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