wheat penny

  1. Some questions about my metal detecting finds, and estimating value easily.

    What do you guys do with your fines when minutes detecting after hoarding them in secret for years I've got about 200 wheat pennies 50 Canadian 50 nickels dirty dimes 10 quarters pre 1964 none of them are in incredible condition, but also none of them have been improperly cleaned just cleaned...
  2. Interesting finds with some local history

    I took my four year old son out to the woods for a couple hours to do some metal detecting. It was quiet at first until If found a 1919 s wheatie in great shape with very little oxidation. A few feet away I found the bridle rosette. Shortly thereafter I found the trade token. I did some...
  3. 1916 Wheaty, and Many Adventures

  4. First November Hunt and Probably the Last for this Year

    I went out to the woods for a couple hours today before the big snow storm tomorrow. I first decided to poke around a bit in the old dump and found a couple old milk bottles and a horseshoe The CDCO bottle is from the Central Dairy Company of Rockford, IL. The bottle embossed "WAIT" I have no...
  5. 1953 S Wheat Penny!

    just got it in my pocket change today!! 2018
  6. Could this be from an OLD SHIP

    Found these over the weekend on the east coast of Florida after Hurricane Irma. I was digging at night around midnight not really seeing exactly what I was finding. I knew they were coins and a nail in a piece of wood, but turns out they were all pretty darn old finds.
  7. First ring find of the year and first Wheatie - video

    Hi all, I finally got around to getting a new video published to share with you all so feel free to like and subscribe. More to come too! :icon_thumright:
  8. Small Buckle

    This is a small buckle I recovered today(01.31.2017) in the Free State of Jones aka Jones County Mississippi. The property could have had people on it previous to the Civil War. The little Buckle measures 1/2" X 13/16" and appears to be made out of copper with no markings that I can find. I'd...
  9. Pa Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    If someone has an idea of what year or type of coin this is I would be happy to know. I believe it to be a British Cent (Queen Victoria) coin. Please let me know. Thanks
  10. Northeastern PA Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    We went here yesterday for about 2 hours and we found two large cents a wheat penny, some old relics and a coin I believe is a Queen Victoria from the 1800's. I'm gonna post my video here from youtube and anyone has any idea of exactly what this coin is please comment. Thanks alot Our...
  11. "S" Wheat Penny

    Hi guys! I just joined the other day (although this isn't my first post) and posted a question about an arrowhead. Today I want to find some information anyone has on the San Fransciso Mint Wheat Penny I received as change. I already know it was minted in San Franscico, but what other...
  12. No detector, first wheat

    So I was digging a couple of 1 foot holes in the garden to plant some hops for home brewing and I noticed a coin in one of the holes. I picked it up and saw it was a penny and assumed it was a stinkin' lincoln because this house was built in the 70's. I cleaned it off anyways and to my surprise...
  13. More finds from Riverside Park

    Went back to the park where I've done most of my detecting this year and ran into a club member who usually gets some good finds there and recently unearthed a seated dime at Druid Hill Park. Congrats to John. I hadn't found an Indian Head today and decided to "call it quits", so I made a...
  14. Dug in my car

    So dug through my car(I deliver pizza's, so change is everywhere).. and I have like 10 wheat pennies. don't think any are superwow, but there is this one. I don't know what it is, but you can barely see it with the naked eye at all. I didn't want to clean it because I heard the vinegar/salt...
  15. Last couple hunts at the big cement pond and a great button.

    The highlight of the first hunt was the wheat penny and the crushed aluminum kids ring. Straightened that out, too bad its a no fit me ring lol ! Second hunt the best item was a 1925 Buffalo Nick ! Sure was hard to get it out of the ground, must have spent over 5 minutes extracting it...
  16. A few questions...

    I thought that this thread idea would be kind of cool. I'm wondering how long it took you to find, and if you found each find, Putting which region you live in would help: Ex. Midwestern United States wheat penny (Me: a week (1915D) ) Part Indian head cent (Me: a year (1864) ) silver...
  17. Weird Wheaties

    I was hunting a park out here in the Saint Louis area and came across some wheat pennies but there was something about them that was strange. The thing is, I found four of them on two separate hunts. They were all under trees and all polished in the same manner, all wrapped in plastic and...
  18. Your most dug year of wheat penny.

    Unless you're like me and have not found a wheat penny in a month :crybaby2:, you have most likely found quite a few (like 15 since I started in march,Yes not many). Anyway, what is your most common year of wheat penny. Mine is 1956 D, I have found about 5 out of 15 from that year.
  19. ✅ SOLVED 1918 Penny

    Hello all, I am new to this site and found this while wrapping coins. I don't know what D/S Wheat Pennies mean so if someone could use simple language when explaining what it is it would be super helpful! Thanks! There are 2 pictures (with questionable quality of photo taking, Sorry!)
  20. Call it beginners luck...

    Firstly, I'm new to the forum but have been seriously metal detecting for about a year. I have made some great finds over the last year including an 1841 Dutch half cent and lots of silver from rings to coins. I hunt Saint Louis and Saint Charles Missouri mostly. So, today I'm on a hunt in a...
  21. How long does it take to find a wheat penny metal detecting

    I metal detected for half a hour and found 1959 D penny at a 1950s school. I am metal detecting again today maybe at a school that was made in about 1810 that is still around. Yes, 1810 not 1910. or maybe a school made in 1900. I was wondering how long does it take to find a wheat. I have metal...
  22. 1926 S, Blank planchet and a Proof penny... PICS

    From the last box of pennies I searched, I got: 1921 KG V in ugly green stuff (mentioned in the last post) 1926 S penny (4,55 millions mintage) Can anyone guess the approximate grade. Blank penny planchet (looks legitimate, on the edge picture 1) 1971 Proof 2) Blank 3) 1971S 4) BU 1980 penny...
  23. Sunday Wheat suprise !

    Was cleaning out todays finds of new clads and some zincs resulting from several short hunts today and wait some penny looks rather smooth and greenish, whats this? Interesting, its time for a bit of water, then oh its not a new one! It is a 1912-D in fairly nice condition some wear and a few...
  24. 3-28-2012 G-Field finds

    Starting top left we have two mystery electrical items of some sort. Anyone care to guess? Then we have a brass mystery item, again no clue here. Next row down we have a crusty wheat penny then a toasted Rosy, cannot read date its mostly burned or melted off. Then we have a suspender clip...
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