upstate ny

  1. Glacial gold from Canada

    Thousands of years ago, the state of NY was literally carved, scrapped and gouged by glaciers. While all the time, it dropped off millions of tons of debris and gold along its' pathway. Would it be possible that gold was deposited into fissures that traverse the rapidly moving streams or rivers...
  2. Greetings from Albany, NY

    New member from Albany, NY via Boston. I've been MD'ing for 10 years paying my dues with a Whites Classic SL II; but recently purchased a Minelab Xterra 705. Looking for anyone in the area who would be interested in going out once it gets warm here in Upstate. I've got exclusive rights to...
  3. Hello to all from Saratoga

    Hello, Diggers,beach combers,Relic and Rusty nail diggers. Real treasure is out there.But knowlage is KEY.
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