upshur wv

  1. Upshur Wv, Help Needed, Indian Camp, Silver Mine, Metal Detector

    .... Upshur Wv ... Indian Camp ... Silver Mine ... MANY CACHES OF SILVER HIDDEN OFF OF STATE LANDS ... read Swift's Silver Mine by McWhorter .... I'm from the area and I know where "most" of the markers described are ... I know where the cave is where the old tools were found, some awfully hot...
  2. Upshur, Wv .. Looking for Hunting Partner

    My search area is pretty limited to Indian Camp (and surrounding areas) in Upshur County, Wv. .... I was born and raised in this area, so I know it well and I know most of the locals. I am searching for a fabled Indian Silver Mine, and or whatever else may be found along the way (Ive found...