
  1. Open butt axe head identification help?

    Help with information? I can’t find anything like this. Guessing it’s forged steel by blacksmith. Unusual open butt design with forged pins.
  2. Help identify this net rock?

    Help identify this rock? Hello everyone, a contractor had seen this rock in my yard and told me it might be very valuable and collectible, i have a second similar one, could anyone tell me what it is or if it might actually have any value? Thanks everyone!
  3. Some odd crystals I just can't figure out.

    I've been tyring to figure out what these are for the longest time but I just can't seem to crack the case. Sorry for the bad picture my camera is not very good. The first one on the left is solid smooth black with veins of blue quartz looking rock running through out it my best guest is some...
  4. Is This What I Think it is?

    Last winter I was detecting at a house that was built in 1783. I found this and I am curious to know what it is. It is 3 2/8 of an inch long and 3/4 of an inch wide. Is it a whistle, musical instrument part, or something else? Any answer, even if it is a hocus-pocus answer would be greatly...
  5. I have a rock with a 5 pointed star cut out in a rock

    Can anyone explain this
  6. 1943W Mercury Dime Found In A PENNY ROLL?!!

    This was one of the best finds I have ever came across and surprisingly,it was found without the aid of a metal detector. I decided to share this story because I thought many of you would be interested in reading it. So,it's been about maybe a year ago since this happened but the story goes like...
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