
  1. Civil War or later?

    I bought an old photo album yesterday that contained several tintypes as well as many cabinet cards, etc. There was one photo of a uniformed soldier holding a sword, but I don't have the expertise to determine whether this is a Civil War period photo or not. Can anyone please help? Thanks so...
  2. Another Photograph, what are these uniforms?

    I posted a picture last week and all of your comments/knowledge is appreciated. This photo was found with the picture I previously posted. I am assuming that this was also taken in Traverse City, Michigan. Does anybody know the reason for the attire being worn by these people in the parade...
  3. Need help identifying uniform

    Does anybody know what uniform these men are wearing? I am quite sure the picture was taken in Traverse City, Michigan. Thanks in advance for your help!
  4. Civil war soldier equipment identification question

    Hoping you guys can help me out. Is there an online resource that lists all of the pieces and parts of the equipment and uniforms issued to soldiers during the Civil war with reference photos? Or even a book with reference photos that could be used to identify relics that you find? What do you...
  5. Button identification

    Found another button, need help with identification. Roughly the size of a U.S. penny, no inscriptions to be found. The automobile on the front is the only mark to go off of. Found in Sicily, maybe an automobile club? Thanks in advance!!
  6. WWII Button?

    Greetings, I found this button in Sicily. I can't seem to identify its origins, can anybody identify it? Or connect any of the symbols to foreign powers/entities? I believe it's WWII era. Thanks in advance!
  7. Our Best Find...So Far!

    Hello! Attached is our coolest find to date--a 1775 Massachusetts Militia Uniform Button #5. According to an expert, this particular button was used for the first uniforms made right before the official war started, and the uniforms changed the very next year, so the button is pretty rare...
  8. Civil War Uniform Buttons Virginia / Confederate Buttons - Gotta Sell

    I hate to do it but I'm selling a lot of Civil War / Virginia Military Uniform Buttons: eBay item number: 182192600510 I'm starting to clean up my collections.
  9. Bag of Mixed Civil War Uniform Buttons

    Found: 4 buttons marked: Virginia Sic Semper Tyrannis; on back: Waterbury Co's Conn 4 buttons: Eagle and stars; on back: Superior Quality 1 button: Anchor and 3 Stars; on back: Firmin & Sons, London 1 button: Profile of man. Text: "Docendo Discimus Exnihilo Nihil Fit" which translated means...
  10. Civil War frock coat

    This is a navy frock coat found in Rhode Island.Wool is a very tight weave and has a linen liner. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was civil war, or post civil war, and any other info on it. Any help would be highly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ✅ SOLVED Civil War Uniform

    This is a drawn photograph of my great x 6 grandfather John Smith Jenkins. He was in the 29th North Carolina Infantry. I was wondering what type of uniform it was? Please let me know, if you recognize it.
  12. Military Button

    Not exactly treasure, but does anybody know where this French military button is from??
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