treasure symbol?

  1. Hey was taking bottles about 1892 1940 in Minnesota and I found this pan and it has some strange symbols in it... Any ideas on what's going on?

    It was 6 ft deep I'm hoping that there was a moonshiner / farmer who buried some loot or stash some money here near where the bottle dump is and maybe scratch some symbols and some junk at the time so later when he's digging the stuff up and finds a junk it reminds him exactly where to go and...
  2. What could this mean?

    Hello all, I'm new here. My mom is very into treasure hunting and now I kinda am too. Lol. She told me about this cave up on the ridge behind her house here in central PA. She believes there is treasure in the cave. A couple years ago she, my step-dad, my brother, and little sister went up and...