treasure map

  1. Continuation of the topic. Lou's Treasure Map.

    And here I am again. Have a nice day and good mood everyone. I don't know about you, but I already miss my treasure map. I remember in the previous topic I touched upon the simplest symbol, the sun. But I simply did not take into account that perhaps many did not understand the simplest element...
  2. Buried Money in Portland Oregon

    Occasionally shifting though many treasure yarns some times you come across ones by accident. And a happy accident it was that Old Crow finds an intriguing Worm of story to peck his beak into. Not that really need to any more but old habits do die hard? Here is treasure I find interesting and...
  3. LLORO URRACA ENTERRARI - AKA The LUE. A post by CoilTek3

    Post removed.
  4. Help decoding map

    I found a dagger carved in stone and 30 yards away in the direction it was pointing was what looks like a map carved in stone. Can someone tell me if this is in fact a map, and what it is saying? Also about 2 ft away from the stone map on the same rock there is a very defined "v" carved deep...
  5. Treasure map utilizing musical score for code

    Nazi Gold: Music Score Could Be A Treasure Map Music is mathematics. Add lyrics. Numbers and words are all one needs for a map. video:
  6. Looking for map for the treasure left by Mongolian in the northwest of China

    I am a treasure hunter in the northwest of China. Recently I’m prospecting a treasure which was left and hidden underground by a Mongolian Tribe about a century ago. There should probably be gold, valuable jewelleries and even invaluable antiques in this treasure. Actually, it is said that...
  7. Looking for map for the treasure left by Mongolian in the northwest of China

    I am a treasure hunter in the northwest of China. Recently I’m prospecting a treasure which was left and hidden underground by a Mongolian Tribe about a century ago. There should probably be gold, valuable jewelleries and even invaluable antiques in this treasure. Actually, it is said that...
  8. Masonic chipered treasure map?

    Guys,check this treasure map out;masonic chipered...and anyone to solve&get the meaning?
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