treasure found

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Hello I found this when I was snorkeling this past week in the treasure coast area in Florida.

    Does anyone have any clue what it would be? It looks like cast iron and it has some rust . I cleaned it just a little bit with a towel and water. One end looks like there was a hole of some kind. Is it just garbage? I know there are different rocks on it and when wet the stones look totally...
  2. Anyone that can help with today's find would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    So I moved to NC and got near 1.5 acres of land. To the left of my house is not mine but there's over 200 acres. I don't much about the area but wanted to see if there was history here. Found some great items letting me know that there indeed was life before they cleared some of this land. Would...
  3. WEEKEND REPORT EPIC Washington Metal Detecting in our towns OLDEST yard Relic Rangers

    Hey Fellow Treasure Netters! In this video join Andrew, Virginia, Tyson, Justin, John and Bill while they metal detect some of the oldest yards in town. Old coins, jewelry, vintage toys, and other relics are found and displayed nicely. SO SADDLE UP, AND JOIN THE CARAVAN - ENJOY! Happy Hunting...
  4. Unexpected big silver find! Awesome Coin Day!

    It was a lovely coin day :) And at the end, it was really awesome! :O :)
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