
  1. Some Sort of Hunting Trap? I Have No Idea

    I was out metal detecting and i definitely wasn't expecting to find this. It appears to be some sort of hunting trap. I have no idea how it would trap an animal though. It is secured to a stake by a chain that goes super deep into the ground. I am having a very hard time digging it up. Below are...
  2. Bazooka Goldtrap out of business? Really no Black Friday discount?

    Hey guys do you have a email address from the Bazooka Gold Trap Company? Just wanted to order a Bazooka Gold Trap Prospector 36" and asked them if they offer some sort of discount for Black Friday / Cyber Monday. A couple of days ago I've contacted them through their contact form and facebook...
  3. made diy bazooka mini trap sluice plans for laser cutter

    Since tax, customs and shipping to europe is ridiculously expensive I've made a simple design based on the Bazooka Mini Trap Sluice. Everyone with access to a small table top CNC or Laser Cutter could make it. Had to guess the dimensions based on pics and some info from various forums. Here's...
  4. Bazooka gold trap 24"

    Just had a few questions about these. Looking to buy one and not sure What size IDE be happy with. Tryin to stay on the cheaper side of things But I'm worried about going to small and being u happy. What's the most efficient and effective Size for the guy with a bucket and a shovel. I want to...
  5. will this sluice find me good gold?

    Plastic Stream Sluice 10"x39" this is the one. i want to know if it will find me gold and if it would last a good while. it is made of abs plastic. thank you so much
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