thrift store find

  1. World Series Champions, All-Star Autographs Found at Yard Sale for $1

    Check out what I found at a yard sale. The seller was planning to throw away all of the items at the end of the day, so everything was priced to sell ($1 per photo pack). I knew that these packs had to be worth something based on their age and seeing Mickey Mantle staring back at me. What I...
  2. A Sweetheart Ring?

    I spotted this ring at the thrift shop and decided to get it. There are two hearts on each side of the stone, in time for Valentine's Day. It has substance, not light in weight. The stone is quite large and I'm wondering if it's a zircon? There is a sterling mark inside the band with a logo that...
  3. Vintage SILVER magnifying glass!!!

    I'm in love with this facebook marketplace find!!! So pretty! I can't find much info about it online though. I found one or two pictures on etsy but didn't say the age. One place said it was Chinese. I saw that one ad said the butterfly part was silver. Looks silver to me but us it coated or...
  4. porcelain and marble mysteries from thrift shop

    hi all, long time browser, first time poster. here are some recent thrift shop finds: the porcelain (?) boy stands 12" tall and is marked 1958 on the back, with a small "SG" signature and "36" engraving on the bottom. appears to be in a French Revolutionary motif. do not believe it is...
  5. Not your typical hunt

    This past weekend my wife and I spent the whole weekend at the beach, a well needed break. I did get to detect on the beach on two seperate occasions and came out 7 cents in clad pennies ahead. On the way home Sunday we stopped at a thrift store and looked around a bit. I found two unexpected...
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