teknetics gamma 6000

  1. Which one to buy... Teknetics or Bounty Hunter.

    I am looking at buying one more detector and would like your opinion on your experience with the following detectors: Teknetics Omega 8500 Teknetics Gamma 6000 Teknetics Liberator Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro (I had one but gave it to a friend to use and she's wanting to keep (buy) it. I...
  2. A short hunt

    We had a short hunt the other day but found our 1st 1927 wheat penny using a Teknetics Gamma 6000 in Orangeburg County, SC https://youtu.be/IJJdIjIkEYI
  3. My MD has arrived! Its going to be a GREAT weekend!

    My MD has arrived! It's going to be a GREAT weekend! My Gamma 6000 arrived today, (a week earlier then expected :) ) and I can't wait to get home to put it together. I'm going to play around with it in my backyard for a couple or three weeks. There's enough crap buried back there to keep me...
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