
  1. New to detecting bought a used Teknetics its defective

    Got a "never"use Teknetics Delta 4000 on ebay.,..turns out its 13 years old....Its in great shape but the + button doesnt work ., Teknetics said they will replace the circuit boards for $50. The tech @ Teknetics couldnt tell me if would be original equiptment or new technology., does anybody...
  2. Which Teknetics Detector?

    Hello, I'm used to Bounty Hunters & looking to buy a Teknetics. The Patriot is $399. The T2+ package with the new tek point pointer is $549 & the G2+ is on sale for only $449. I will be mostly searching in trashy parks for coins & jewelry & an occasional field or woods. Which would best suit me?
  3. Identify this mine detector

    Hello members: In the '90s I used to be a regular here known as "Silver Fox". Those were the days of Ricardo, EZ Rider, Joe G, Glenn G. I remember their names 'cause they plus others got together at Cloves Lake, Staten Island, NY and we had a TH'ing blast/picnic. Whenever I see anything...
  4. Teknetics G2+ News

    Just starting a thead for people to post any news they have on the newly announced Teknetics G2+, the upgraded version of the G2. I want one and I want all the info I can get about it. So any dealers with possible price range? Would also love anyone with one of the test units that has...
  5. What turned up today

    Here's what turned up today. Nine 30.06 rifle cartridges (seven in the holder and two were loose), 1 single .22 cal round (fired), two .357 cal bullets (fired), three intact .45 cal bullets (fired) and two "slightly distorted" .45 cal bullets. The object on the left is a mystery. It indicated a...
  6. MY FIRST GOLD COIN!!!! Still shaking!

    Hi all well I went out to a local field yesterday metal detecting, over 20 degrees Celsius (quite warm) and wasn't expecting to find anything. Ive never found anything REALLY good, nothing to write home about, but little did I know when I got an iffy signal in the 50's on my Teknetics eurotek...
  7. Found a big colonial flat button on the third day with my new detector!

    On my third day with the new Teknetics T2 SE I got a consistent signal at 8". I finally got the object out of the hole at a honest 8'', On the ground I saw what I thought is a coin. When I picked it up I saw a shank and knew I had my first button. When I got home I did research and discovered it...
  8. Found a big colonial flat button on the third day with my new detector!

    On my third day with the new Teknetics T2 SE I got a consistent signal at 8". I finally got the object out of the hole at a honest 8'', On the ground I saw what I thought is a coin. When I picked it up I saw a shank and knew I had my first button. When I got home I did research and discovered it...
  9. 💵 FOR SALE HOT DEALS!!! Whites M6 & Teknetics G2...

    Whites M6 - Used - $425 :headbang: Teknetics G2 - Used - $425 :hello2: To see these items, and other SMOKIN deals, visit: Treasure Classifieds
  10. 🏁 COMPLETED Teknetics Delta 4000 complete kit

    Traded it... thanks Delta 4000 it is in mint condition. It comes with the digger, the Pinpointer, and the cary bag. NO HEADPHONES. I don't use it or need it. Will trade for whites or tesoro MD, or tell me what you have and we may reach some deal. I am also looking for whites coils (300 LTD...
  11. Metal Detecting Stuff

    Hi, we have been on the forum individually for years, but recently upgraded to " Independent Dealer" status! We are a fulltime Garrett, Fisher and Teknetics Dealer, and we carry Lesche Digging tools and shovels, as well as just about any type of accessory you might need. We are located in...
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