
  1. KGC in Western Kentucky Marker Found?

    So today I stopped at a little country grave yard, disappointed I didn’t find the particular grave I was searching for, as I was leaving I looked down and came across this stone. A little back story: Two years ago, while researching my family tree I uncovered that my 3rd Great Granfather was an...
  2. Star shaped (maybe lebbo coin)

    I found this when I was doing a demolition on an old house,it's attracted to magnet but doesn't feel like metal,it's also about 6cm in height,6cm in width the back of star is smooth with no markings and is about 5mm thick
  3. Does this marking mean its real gold?

    The marking inside this gold ring says 18KGERSG what does it stand for?
  4. ✅ SOLVED Symbol on Gold Piece found Metal Detecting Eye, Eagle, Man in Star

    Symbols on Gold colored Piece found Metal Detecting Any idea what organization this represents, what the symbols mean & age? I haven't been able to find a reference online. From what i can find is not KOC, Freemasons, or any i can find. It's about the size of a nickel, but thicker. I'm...
  5. Carved on top of a mountain

    Hi there! How is it going? Does any one of you have any idea what does the triangle shaped means?
  6. Revolver cylinder mark?

    To me this looks like a revolver cylinder. It is on a large flat slab on the ground. Any other ideas as to what it is or was used for? It has a piece of metal in the middle.
  7. HELP need to know what this marking means.....

    i received this ring many years ago and due to my situation i need to sell it but noticed the symbol and want to know what it means before i sell to the 14k is that symbol and i have tried to research everywhere,, can someone please tell me what it is??!! THANK YOU

    Howdy!, I have known of these rock letters for a long time. I always assumed it was just someones initials from the year 1955. But after some research I realized there may be a chance it is more. It may be 19 SS DB HW (WH) 55 . This is why I have decided to post on this forum and hopefully find...