superstition mountains

  1. Finding strange caves with dragon symbols in the Arizona Superstition mountains

    Hello, I'm looking for information if anyone has ever fully explored the mountains are there any caves near the Superstition mountains with these characteristics: -Warning signs that say its restricted for any reason, sealed, etc -Any caves with strange shapes, anything like a narrow cave or...
  2. Is the history of Jacob Waltz incorrect?

    Looking at some genealogy i found some odd coincidences. Anyone with some insight or ideas are welcome. I find it odd that the middle name is reinhart for some of the ancestors...Is that possible why Petrasch was one of the people he told the location to ? Also the birth date of the mentioned...
  3. The Apache Trail is CLOSED | Superstition Mountains Arizona

    The most iconic highway in Arizona, the Apache Trail, is currently closed between Fish Creek Hill and Apache Lake Marina. We need your help reopening it! In 2019, the 123,832 acre Woodbury Fire burned the Superstition Mountains. Starting at the Woodbury trailhead in the Superstition Mountains...
  4. Anyone want to talk about this giant 5-pointed star on Buzzard's Roost, Arizona?

    I'm not sure where this belongs, but seeing as how I got here from Bob Brewer's book, I figure KGC is the best bet. I'm trying to decide whether or not this whole thing is BS with Bob's book. I know a lot of people on here have made up their minds already, but I haven't and I'm still...
  5. Superstition Mine by Scudder Martin (1923)

    This one is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Don Jose de La Mancha, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, our missing companero. He always enjoyed these Sunday stories. Hoist up a mug of coffee - sock, boiled, ground or instant, with or without eggshells or a horseshoe - to his memory. And...
  6. Superstition Mountains!!!

    Hello everyone, I’ve heard a few things about Superstition Mountains. I’ve heard there are several caches up there, so many that one might find a cache who isn’t hunting. But I’ve also heard about the curse put on that land(not really sure if I believe in curses as this point), and the death...
  7. Dutchmans Lost Mine

    Dutchman's Lost Mine I believe Jacob Waltz said he covered his mine with wood planks and rocks, rubble, etc. Does anybody know if wood planks were found when they began work at the Bulldog mine? This info would help determine whether the Bulldog mine is the same as the Dutchman's.
  8. Box of Topographical/Geological Survey Maps Superstition Mountains, Wilderness etc.

    I'm getting close to my dads stuff (buried) I ran across a box of his old maps. The original box fell apart & the maps are rough stains, moth eaten etc. stored a lot of years. So I started throwing them out, then it occurred to me that somebody might want them (might help pay for the website I...
  9. Video 4 - The Peralta Stone Maps with Frank Augustine

    Join Frank Augustine (sgfta) and I as we explore the legend of the Peralta Stone Maps. We are one of the first to ever show Tumlinson's site on Video - and the only folks that have made our findings public with never before seen discoveries. We also venture to Herman Petrash's old cabin where...
  10. Im surprised nobody has mentioned the codes on the saguaros or unusual

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the codes on the saguaros or unusual I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the codes on the saguaros or unusual items that are out of place out there? Are all the giant saguaros gone now? I remember being told the 4 GS in a row are gone now? Carrol
  11. Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

    It's always my mission to find the easiest ways to find truth At the end of the day, photography is my passion and has been for the past 20 years.
  12. The Lost Doc Thorne Mine - was it the same mine of Jacob Waltz?

    <Gold in white quartz, perhaps what the Dr Thorn ore might look like, photo originally from Wiki? One of the earlier lost mine legends of Arizona is the lost Doc Thorne mine, also spelled Thorn. There are a number of different variations of the story, but basically a Dr Thorne came to the...
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