stone artifact

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Anyone know what it is or what it means?

    I found this pre-COVID and Stearns county Minnesota while looking for agates. Anybody recognizes this or has seen or found anything similar knows what it says or could help you read it. Simply put I found this rock, and brought it home purely cuz of its shape. Months later after cleaning it I...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What is this strange rock marking and how did it happen?

    Hey Everyone, Last fall, I was prospecting in Clear Creek Canyon along US 6 And found something interesting. I was working an old dried up gravel bench where the river used to flow, and several feet down behind a large boulder, I spotted this bizarre "notched" rock in the hole. I cannot...
  3. HELP! Found this today while digging near an old beach path. Could it be a stone tool?

    I found this today and it's got me confused. As someone who digs a lot of holes often, I've never come across something like this before. Found on the north shore of eastern Long Island. I have practiced flint knapping in my free time and it seems to have a lot of similar characteristics to some...
  4. Stone Tool Artifact? San Antonio Texas

    Hello! I found this in the San Antonio area. Does anyone have any insight on what this could be?
  5. Carved stone face ?!?!

    New to this site wanted to share a find of mine a carved stone face! So what do u think???
  6. My first find - or not?

    I was hiking by the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, GA today and found this in the rootball of an uprooted tree. At first I thought it was an arrowhead, but now I think it might be a scraper of some kind. Or maybe it’s just a pointed rock? It’s pretty flat on one side and slopes down to a...
  7. EVER seen ANYTHING like this before?

    Wasn’t even looking. Stone was solidly embedded in ground and I kicked it several times until it flipped over. It was covered in hardened dirt. I thought I saw something on it so I cleaned it off and wow, wasn’t expecting this. It was next to my home in a gated community just over the Wall...
  8. Information inquiry on attached items.

    I was referred here from Reddit to see if anyone could give me any insight into these items. There seems to be a lot of interest in the bottom groove of the axe head and despite recognizing it's oddity, I never sought out information on the axe itself regarding it's use, era, tribe, and so on...
  9. Native American Mini Grinding Stone or ??

    Hey folks, bumped in to a real head scratcher. My brother and I were out hunting one of our favorite pre-civil war sites here in Ga, but the area also yields a lot of nice Native American relic finds if you keep a sharp eye out. I found this object along with a large 8x10 slate grinding stone...

    What is it?? I found this on the Colorado River Arryo close to Harlingen, Texas.
  11. ✅ SOLVED NE Texas native American?

    I found this on the South Fork Caddo River. Is it an artifact or just an interesting stone?
  12. Need Help Identifying Unique Piece

    I was less then 10 minutes into my first arrowhead hunt (No luck there.) and this caught my eye in the creek. Based on the shape and cut marks, I assume it is man-made. Can anyone verify this and provide any other information? I have tried to do research but I haven't found any Indian stone...
  13. Inherited possible native artifacts? Arrowheads/knives?

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance your help with these. My grandpa left pails of rocks in his garage when he passed, which after some investigation over the years I’m thinking might be native artifacts? Doing some spring cleaning so I decided to finally clean them up and snap some pictures to...
  14. Ancient Ohio Stone artifact?

    Hello, the other day while walking along an undeveloped valley's secluded creek bed (a small tributary to the West Fork Mill Creek in Hamilton County Cincinnati OHIO) I came across this. At first I thought it was a large cephalopod or horn coral fossil, but after picking it up and looking closer...
  15. Ancient Ohio Stone artifact?

    Hello, the other day while walking along an undeveloped valley's secluded creek bed (a small tributary to the West Fork Mill Creek in Hamilton County Cincinnati OHIO) I came across this. At first I thought it was a large cephalopod or horn coral fossil, but after picking it up and looking closer...
  16. Carved rectangular stone artifact - Colonial? Shipwreck? Native American?

    I found this small stone object last summer on the shore of an uninhabited island in the Chesapeake Bay. Not sure how old it is, or what it is. It looks like a smushed rectangle. Sedimentary rock. Could it be a random artifact from a shipwreck, or possibly something Colonial or Native American...
  17. Carved rectangular stone artifact - Colonial? Native American?

    My first post - looking forward to becoming an active member on the site! I found this small stone object last summer on the shore of an uninhabited island in the Chesapeake Bay. Not sure how old it is, or what it is. It looks like a smushed rectangle. Could it be a random artifact from a...
  18. Native American Axe type tool or just a rock?

    Come one someone please help! Found this in New Jersey, and it looks like an axe of some sort. Any input?
  19. New on this site please help me identify the rocks and possible artifacts I found!

    Im new to this site and wanted to know if anyone could give me any feedback on the rocks I have found, anything is appreciated! Most are found in NJ. 1: Green and glassy, Maybe Obsidian? 2: Possibly an arrow sharpener? the other half is broken off i believe. 3: No idea what this is. Very...
  20. pipe artifact

    hi, recently found my first stone pipe. Was found while agate hunting in a washout . My heart skipped beat when I saw it. This coming Thursday the University of Minnesota will have a look at it, The archiology department is interested in this piece, because of location,and other documented...
  21. Small statue found while scuba diving off Catalina Island CA

    Please someone help identify this small statue. I am trying to help my grandmother identify this statue. She has had this since the 1960s when my grandfather found it while scuba diving off the coast of Catalina Island California. I have done tons of research and I believe it is pre Columbian...
  22. Scrapper

    Probably the biggest scrapper I have. ( not that its very big). You can see some hefty chunks were removed from this rock. Having this big scrapper is cool but I'm really curious what the rest of this stone was used for and more importantly, where is it now? lol btw, I finally got around to...
  23. Some Favorites.

    Hello !! Here's a few of my favorite finds. I just love the hunt....but the find is pretty awesome too !!! The top relic is "Sinew Stone" - used to split fibrous materials such as Sinew (animal tendons), Yucca and other various plants. The fibers were then used to make such things as rope...
  24. help please

    I was hoping someone could help me identify these. The only thing I have found even close to them are boiling stone . But these are not shaped correctly and larger. I found them in a creek bed within approx 5 feet from each other below a shelter. And feed back or ideas would be greatly...
  25. ✅ SOLVED Odd pencil shaped, tubular rocks - what are these?

    Found these rocks on the coast of Nova Scotia, canada (Lunenburg, blue rocks n.s). Oddly, I found one about 17 years ago and found two more two years ago in the exact same area. At first I thought they might be slate (pencils) since there is a lot of slate in that area, but it doesn't write as...
  26. ✅ SOLVED translucent pointed stone object

    Found this in south central Iowa near Lamoni on a dirt trail. It is translucent, seems to be stone, and has a "tiger eye" fracture from top to bottom that refracts light shined through it. The quarter is for size comparison. Any thoughts as to what this is would be greatly appreciated.
  27. Stone Pendent? Geofact? help IDing

    I got down to the river for awhile today found a few flakes but this is interesting! While I have seen geofacts that have fooled me before this looks to deliberately made & it's hard stone! ??? I have no Idea what it could be, any thoughts? PS it looks to be broken also. Also if you would...
  28. Neanderthal Stone carved profile found! Comments?

    Hello everyone. I found this in a dry run off creek bed near a garden I was working in. There are allot of stones, mostly round river rock. Couldn't have been transported from too far away... (California, in between Santa Cruz and San Francisco). It was the eye that caught my attention. There...
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