sterling silver

  1. What Does SEL 23 stand for?

    This little Sterling Silver Pin was recovered on November 3rd, 2019 down in Brooklyn, Mississippi. I have been unable to determine what "SEL 23" stands for and am hoping that some of y'all can shed some light..... Note: This was recovered not far from Camp Shelby, and there was also a Civilian...
  2. two silver rings

    Two silver rings I dug up near an old homestead they and cleaned up nice. One with diamond like transparent stones, the other with black onyx or jet like stones set in silver.
  3. Antique U.S. Air Force Button, need help identifying makers mark, age, value? Thanks

    Hello Fellow Treasure Finders, Seekers of the Grail, Legends of Past Present and Future Treasure Discover History Etc. ; I need a hand identifying this makers mark, age, value perhaps, and any other general information you have about the item. It is a Vintage/Antique U.S. Air Force (I...
  4. Woven Bracelet - Gold-plated?

    Would anyone be able to tell me what the stamp "AU9251/814K" means on this bracelet? I know the photo quality is horrible, but the other side of the clasp is stamped with "Turkey." I don't know much about jewelry, and I'm trying to figure out whether this is a good find or not, so any info...
  5. James Avery Mystery

    This is a retired James Avery charm/pendant. I can find no info on it. There is not one like it posted on eBay that is current or sold. Seems to be vintage James Avery with how it's made compared to the more modern pieces. Any ideas on its name? Years it was made? Value?
  6. Newbie Finds Including Sterling & 14K

    So, I've been following this forum for a little while and have been going to as many garage sales as I can find lately. I am still adjusting to the learning curve and trying to make good buys with minimal loss risk. At one community yard sale on one of the first tables, I saw two sterling silver...
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