
  1. I was told this could be a memorial stone?

    hello all. Hope you’re doing well!! I found this when I was a kid on the bank of a river in northern Idaho just around the bend from a dam in Post Falls. I was told by a local rock guy that it looks like a kind of memorial stone I always thought it looked like a fossil but I was a kid. LOL...
  2. Human Vertebra Transfixed by a Spearpoint of Antler

    I have been reading this document titled "SOME ABORIGINAL SITES ON GREEN RIVER, KENTUCKY CERTAIN ABORIGINAL SITES ON LOWER OHIO RIVER ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION ON MISSISSIPPI RIVER" by Clarence B. Moore. It is a pretty extensive documentation of relics and burials found in the in nine weeks of...
  3. Carved Bone Relic?

    Can anyone help identify this? Its bone or ivory. Sharp at both ends. Had details etched into it. About 8.5". Could it be a primitive weapon or some kind of tool? Thanks
  4. ✅ SOLVED What is it?

    When I 1st saw this just as it came out of the ground, I thought it was a Bayonet, but I have been unable to verify this... Anyway the round end is hollow and threaded, and I think the hole on each side of it is for a pin, but that is just a guess... It also has 3 sides/blade/vanes... So come on...
  5. Finds from this weekend ..Points ..possible spears????

    A few points from this weekend and I'm not sure about the creek stained rock it has the look but I'm fairly new so hopefully you guys can tell me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Spear Head

    Ok this is one of the best things I've ever found, even better than another gold ring in my book. What's more shocking was I found it while metal detecting in the front yard of the home where I grew up, roughly 20 feet from the front door. I wasn't even there to dig I just decided to give it a...
  7. Cape Cod artifact Arrow head spear? Found on beach

    Just found this on the beach. Not sure if it's an arrowhead or spear. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1344156[/ATTACH
  8. WHAT IS IT ???

    Ok guys first post here. I know this is a copper culture arrowhead from WI. But I have no clue what type of arrowhead or the age of it. And ill never sell it but how much is it worth ?
  9. Mystery Metal Spear and Axe - Can someone ID these?

    The spear and axe below were found in the 1970s by my father and uncle on a very remote hilltop in Southern Utah (near Bryce and Zion national parks) hidden under the roots of an old dead tree. Anyone have a guess as to their origin. I'm guessing either a late 19th or early 20th century...
  10. New to collecting,..but hooked! Spear head found ..possibly??

    Hi and thanks for looking. I snagged a good treasure I think, here in Fort Walton Beach, Fl. Roughly 7 inches or so long, and roughly 2 1/4 or so inches wide. Bought it from a flea market here, just curious now as to what it may be made of, the age, worth, etc.. I'm fascinated by it! Thanks...
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