spanish silver

  1. 1776 Spanish Silver! - Western Indiana

    It has only been 3 weeks since I posted my first ever Spanish silver coin, an 1818 Ferdinand VII coin. Well here I am again somehow posting an even better coin that I found in a different field a few miles away! I'm absolutely stoked. This is easily my best find now, and the year 1776 makes it...
  2. My first Spanish silver! - Western Indiana

    This weekend I found one of my bucket list items: a Spanish silver coin. It is a 2 Real coin with a hole punched through it. Still in decent enough shape to identify, even though much is rubbed off, including the date. I was able to make out "Ferdin VII" which stands for Ferdinand the 7th who...

    Through some research of Northern Ohio, it was discovered that on or around 1846 a house and schoolhouse once occupied the corner of what is now a corn field. On Oct 27, 218, after verifying that the field was harvested and receiving permission from the land owner, I was able to metal detect it...
  4. Real or Fake Cob?

    I am guessing this is a fantasy piece, but I could use an opinion on this one. Weight is 15.7 grams and diameter is 40.57mm at the widest point (not including the bail). Thank you very much for your thoughts. ~Nate
  5. A good start to fall...

    Well, the fields around me are finally starting to get picked of their crops and that means they're opening up for detecting. I was able to get out last week with my buddy Wes, and he and I put in a full day. We each had a pouch full of trinkets, but the 1898 Barber Quarter was my prize...
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