
  1. Metal detecting in Spain.. Catalonia/Barcelona?

    As I understand the laws and rules might be different from area to area and where I live it´s not allowed to go hunting with a detector on the beaches in Sitges, Barcelona due to the high amount of ancient coins on the beaches and they don't want tourists to grab them.. and are better where they...
  2. 1814 imperial spanish coin

    I purchased this with just the knowledge of it being a Spanish coin but I cant figure out the mint.
  3. New to TreasureNet - Shipwreck Hunting Veteran of M/V LOUISA 1656 Almiranta Tour

    Howdy Y'all ! My name is Rico and I am an incurable treasure hunter. Its a form of OCD that I picked up while living in Marathon back in the 1980's shadowing Bobby Jordan's Castillian across Coffin's Patch ( always at a respectable distance, mindful of the Admiralty Court ruling...) Used to...
  4. Coin or Metal Identification

    We own a 200+ year old farm house that was once part of the underground railroad in PA. We always find bottles, marbles, old stuff, pottery pieces, and metal whenever we dig. We recently had a pool put in and found TONS of stuff, however, we found a coin/metal/medallion of some type which we...
  5. Virgin beaches in Spain and no detector...I need help with buyng a new Detector

    Hi we live on the Sothern Coast of Spain. We moved to Spain 12 years ago from the UK but since being here have not been detecting!! We are surrounded by literally hundereds of miles of beaches with thousands and thousands of tourists visiting yearly. Since living here I have never seen one...
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