
  1. Soviet Overcoat?

    I'm a little stumped on exactly what type of overcoat this is. I just picked it up from an antique flea market. Obviously it's Soviet, but does anyone know from what era? Was it for officers or high ranking military personnel? If someone could help shed some light on this it'd be much appreciated!
  2. Finnish Winter War Medal? Is it Real?

    I recently purchased a Finnish Winter War medal off of the internet and was wondering if it is indeed authentic or just a replica. I'm a novice when it comes to collecting medals but it was a very cheap find so I decided to take a shot in the dark on it. All I know is that the medal is from...
  3. Found today: Soviet Russian Soldier Hat with Medals and Patches.

    Fount it at the recycle thrift store. I can't tell if its a cool souvenir or the real deal because it's really clean. Any guesses?
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