soda bottle

  1. 7up bottle

    Not usually a soda bottle gather but first brown stubby 7up I have found possibly 30s do have the straight coke bottles and Pepsi from same era
  2. 19th Century Soda Bottle

    19th Century Soda Bottle

    Found this blob-top soda bottle on June 3rd. It appears to be an applied blob. It has no embossing. 1870's-1880's.
  3. I can't seem to date these bottles... Help please!

    Hi! I have these bottles (Some are from different locations) and I can't seem to date them. #1 (7.6 in tall) says "The W.H Cawley Co., Regis Tered, Dover NJ". It has a monogram of DBW I believe.The back of the bottle says "This Bottle, Not To, Be Sold" and on the bottom it says K. Hutter New...
  4. Found a Cooper Bros Chestertown MD Bottle in a Creek. Found out Company's Info Today

    I am one happy guy today. My quest to find out what the Cooper Bros Company in Chestertown, MD was started a year or two ago when I pulled up this barnacled beauty from the depths of a local river called Still Pond Creek: I know it's hard to see from the picture, but this an embossed soda...
  5. 1976 7up bottle that isn't a 1776 commemorative?

    So i found my first actual bottle dump today, which is apparently pretty hard in the North Texas area. Now I didn't find anything beyond belief but i found a few bottles I thought were neat including (most of) a Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup, some bottles which I believe could be perfume...
  6. Old Bottle

    Hi, I was out hunting for sea glass and came upon this bottle. I have posted pictures (sorry, some are sideways). Does anyone out there know how old it is and what it used to contain? You can see the markings on the bottom which read, B II 5 X. Thank you so much for your help!
  7. good luck soda

    I found a glass soda bottle from 1890. It is embossed with a horseshoe and the writting on it says bonham bottling works, good luck soda 1890...does any one know what it is worth
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